He Realizes He Fell For You

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((This chapter will be done entirely from his POV or a third person POV, this will also be the first drastic change in writing style, just a quick warning, my bad :D))

Rubber Man

'Ha! (Y\N) is the best! They even got Zoro to smile, and he's dummer then a bird! They are like.. like a mystery happy maker!'

I've been keeping an eye on them sense they joined my crew. They was pretty quiet at first but, they have really gotten to know everyone and is a lot of fun now! I've been at my spot on the figurehead of Sunny for a while now. I like it here, but I'm bored. I got up and hopped back onto deck, looking around for (Y\N), maybe Usopp and chopper, with any luck, we can play tag! I began my search, running around the ship. Lets see..

Usopp? No, he's building something..

Chopper? No, him and Sanji are trying to bandage up Zoro again, that only leaves..

I huffed, scratching the top of my head. Where are they anyway? Did they disappear?! Mystery (Y\N)! Wait, no, uhhhh.. There they are- Turns out (Y\N) fell asleep by the aquarium bar thing. They were sat up on the bench with an open book beside them, there head leaning against the glass. They had a blanket to, Sanji probably brought that.. Great! I found them! But now I'm stuck.. I want to play but, they look kinda cute like that.. I don't want to wake them up.

I flopped down on the bench next to them, my hand on chin. 'Play? Don't play? wake up (Y\N)? Don't wake up (Y\N)? Meat? Or Meat? Uhg! So many questions! I can't-'

My mind went blank as something made contact with my shoulder. When I turned to see what it was, (Y\N) had tipped over and landed on me. They curled up against me with a sleepy hum. I couldn't move anymore, I just couldn't. They looked so comfortable and even cuter then before somehow. It's decided. Don't play. Don't wake up (Y\N). Meat later.

'I am a pillow now. I'm never moving again.. I'm hungry.'

Swirly Eyebrows

'I.. I don't know how to process anything that keeps happening! I get a nosebleed, they are the first one to see if I'm okay, I get hurt in a fight, they help me back to the ship, sometimes even helps chopper fix me up.. they help me in the kitchen, almost never asks for anything special like Nami and Robin do..'

I'm leaning on the frame of the kitchen door, taking a smoke break before my dumbass of a captain shows up and demands more food. I've been lost in thought for a while now, watching the (H\C) haired pirate down on deck. They are pretty invested in a game of checkers against that stupid swordsman. I cant really tell who's winning, but based on the fact that Mosshead is a moron and my precious (Y\N) isn't, Its probably them.

'Even knowing that they are probably destroying his pride right now, I don't like seeing them together. I cant explain it.. the more time they spend with Zoro, the more I want to kick him in the head. They are way to perfect for someone like him!'

I was getting more and more ticked off by my own thoughts when a shriek of victory caught my attention. I refocused my attention on (Y\N) and Zoro. He was sat in the same place as before, his arms crossed and a stupid pout on his face, and they were dancing around in a circle with the biggest smile on there face I'd seen sense they got here. I swear I almost melted. That sight alone, and I could die a happy man.

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