when he can't find you

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((AN- YEAH I HAVE NO EXCUSE AT ALL IM SORRY- Ill try to make it up to you with some drama✨))

"Heeeeey! Robin! Have you seen (Y/N)? I can't find them anywhere!"

"I'm afraid not captain, but I can help look if you like."

"Yeah, if you wanna, let me know if you see them okay?"

It's been a couple of hours sense you split apart from the rest of the crew and you were yet to return. You are a strong pirate, a member of the strawhats. You can take care of yourself, and Luffy knew that. But he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, a gut feeling he couldn't quite shake, so off he went, breaking away from the group to find you himself.

"(Y/N)! Hey! You around here?! Nami says the log pose is ready, we need to go!"

Nothing. No response save for the people of this island giving him confused looks as he passed by. The feeling was getting worse. Something has to be wrong. It wasn't normal for you to disappear when you knew it was almost time to leave.

Luffy frowned, jogging up one street and down the next. It's as if he was getting quieter and more focused the longer you were gone, forcing his brain to work overtime to find you, and still, nothing.

"(Y/N) my love wear did you go?!"

Inconsolable. This poor man has been absolutely wrecked sense he noticed you were gone. The Sunny is only so big, how many places could you possibly go?

You definitely weren't in the galley, he'd been there all day, the bunk rooms, Franky's workshop, crows nest, hell, even the fishtank, all lacking a certain, well, you. No one had seen you for hours, but what truly angered him was that he was the first to notice you were gone despite being in the kitchen all day.

By now, Sanji was frantic, pulling every crew member he saw into helping find you. Things escalated quickly after that. It only took a few minutes of the crew searching for the disparity of the situation to kick in.

A ship in open water, no stone left unturned, and a blond chef hyperventilating into a bag.

"Maybe.. (Y/N) fell overboard?" Zoro was the first to speak up again when the crew reconvened on deck. This sentence alone was just about enough for poor sanji to drop to the deck in fright. With the panic fully set in, he couldn't think about anything but you, finding you and never letting you out of his sight again.

"Oh (Y/N) wear did you go.."

Rorona Zoro is known by the world as a great swordsman, and known by his friends as a sleepy moron. Never before had he felt more like that second description was more true.

He was tired, the island The Sunny had docked at felt calm, and the pain in his scars was acting up again, so he stayed on the ship to sleep, and you volunteered to stay behind as well, just to relax for once in your busy lives. Imagine his shock when he wakes up alone on an empty ship, a feeling of unease in his mind forcing him to open his eyes and stand up.

There was always the possibility you had set out to meet up with the crew, but you would have told him first right? Either way, that just wasn't how it went, he could feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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