Wearing His Clothes

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((A/N: OoPs- again-
Me: Wow, it's been a while, I should really update my work
Also Me: I wonder how many tiles are on the kitchen floor..))


Luffy is what we call an accidental hoarder. He goes through a lot of clothes sense so many get torn up in his almost daily fights, but he never really gets around to throwing them out so instead they just pile up.

Unfortunately for you, your last clean shirt was just stained, luckily for you, Luffy had more than enough vests that were only a little torn.

When you walked out on deck wearing a bright red vest instead of your usual clothes, you can bet it got a few people's attention. Luffy however... was not exactly one of them.

"Heeey! (Y/N)! What took you so long, somethin' happen? Hey, you look really good today, you change something? Whatever, come on let's get some food!"

Well, maybe he didn't notice, but the crew sure did, Nami and Robin giggling to themselves, Sanji curled up and sulking in the corner, so on and so forth. Then again, maybe he did notice, he had his arm happily wrapped around you as he dug into the food Sanji eventually provided. He just felt closer to you today. Who knows, maybe he will notice these small things someday.


Vengeance will be swift. Vengeance will be painful. Vengeance will be... just subtle enough. A certain chef you hold close to your heart was knocked off his feet by a sudden wave hitting the ship during his usual drink run around the ship. This resulted in the drinks landing all over you by mistake. Of course, he was apologizing immediately after it happened, but the need to get back at him was still there.

Sanji has a lot of suits. Being the classy gentleman that he is, he always has to look his best, and being a cook means his clothes could easily get dirty. All that means to you though is that his spare suits are at your disposal, and you did need to change anyway so... just a shirt and vest wouldn't hurt.

Only a few minutes had passed by the time you came back to find him in the kitchen making new drinks to replace the ones he had lost.

"Oh, (Y/N) I'm so, so sorry I- oh... are those... my clothes...? I-"

He is adjusting to being in a relationship for sure but seeing you in his shirt and vest was almost too much for him to handle at this point, slapping his hand over his face in efforts to contain his nose bleed, wobbling slightly on his feet "Damn that's hot... you are so hot (Y/N), you know that? I swear your trying to kill me..."

"My only goal is to kill you with love and affection, so far I think it's working to. Oh hey... what will happen if I just so happen to be hot will I'm in danger? Will you save me or get a nosebleed? I've gotta know Sanji, it's very important, come on~"


This man... Zoro hates shopping, and bathing. That being said, he doesn't have many clothes, and the ones he does have probably stink, like, a lot. You, being so close to him, end up not only needing to make him take a bathe, but making sure his laundry is done. That being said, today is one of those days. So far, the mission has been successful. While he was lost some place else on the ship, you had the chance to steal most of his clothes from his bunk and finally get them washed. Your boyfriend would smell nice even if it killed you.

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