10 - fixing bonds

391 28 4

Tzuyu's POV

"Are you ready Jin Seo-ssi?" I asked him as I held both his shoulder and looked back at Jungkook who's fiddling with his finger since we arrived.

"Let's go Noona!" he ran like a little boy who missed being in an amusement park in a long time.

Everytime I look at Jin Seo, all I can see is a younger image of Jungkook. They both had this pain look in their eyes. Jin Seo is only 17 years old but I cannot imagine all the hardships he has done through the years.

I pulled Jungkook's arms with me as we followed Jin Seo at the rides. We went to the Bump Cars first, then we went to the water rides. I can see Jin Seo enjoying everything but they're still ignoring each other.

When we are on a line to ride the ferris wheel, I decided to find a way so I pretended like I was going to the bathroom first then I let them go in together.

I just watched them from below and I can see no emotions from where I am.

"Aish, these kids." I patiently crossed my arms and waited for th ride to fully finish. When they got down, I can't read the situation.

"I-I'm sorry, I took too long at the restroom. So... how was the ride?" I asked and pat his shoulder.

"Good." he smiled a little and walked pass me.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I linked arms with Jungkook while following Jin Seo infront of us.

"He ignored me, the whole time but I am okay love. Enjoy the day too, don't be too stressed." he gave me an reassuring smile and that made me more motivated to get them closer together.

"Jin Seo-ssi! Do you want to eat?" he simply nodded so we went to the food court first before resuming to the rides.

Jin Seo bought hotdog sandwiches and cola for everyone, it made me smile because he bought one for Jungkook too, but he didn't dare to look at his brother. I can see Jungkook smiling into the food that he had and I can almost see tears in his eyes.

It was an improvement right?

"Aweee, thank you uri Jin Seo! So tell us, what do you miss the most in Korea?" I can see the anticipation in Jungkook's eyes but all I heard from Jin Seo was a low chuckle.

"Noona... I know you're trying to mend me and Jungkook hyung together but... you know nothing so... stop!" he raised his voice a little bit and I was a bit taken back.

"No, Jin Seo it's not-"

"Stop it Noona! I'll be going now, you enjoy yourselves." he then stood up and walked away from us. I tried to ran after him but Jungkook pulled me back to my seat.

"There's no chance. Just let him be." I stared at him carefully and see that same emotions from his eyes the day when he knew Jin Seo was back.

I can see... longing in his eyes.

He wanted his brother back.

He wanted to let him know that he did everything he could to make his life better.

I smiled before cupping his face and asked him to look at me "Everything will be fine, you just have to trust yourself." I kissed him at the cheeks and hugged him tight.

"How about we do the Plan B, hmm?" I said as I pat his back but I feel his head shake.

"I-I already accepted our fate. H-he will never ever forgive me, n-no matter how hard I try to let him know that..." he said while sobbing.

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