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happy double update, this is a bit of a different chapter, mentions of suicide, getting drunk, and cheating. let's love Timmy though he's an amazing person in this chapter xxx

 let's love Timmy though he's an amazing person in this chapter xxx

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walking down out of the beautiful hotel, I'm alone on the icy streets of Venice, it's like 7 degrees, I dressed according to the weather which I'm proud to say

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walking down out of the beautiful hotel, I'm alone on the icy streets of Venice, it's like 7 degrees, I dressed according to the weather which I'm proud to say.

walking I remember where the cafe is after a year of living here paid off, I plug in my ear buds listening to some music while I walk, I feel like I have eyes on me, turning I see someone following me.

i think nothing of it until they call out too me.
"you're are may? Right?"
creeped out I take one east bud out.
"yes, how are you?"
i say smiling, trying to be nice covering the fact that I'm extremely uncomfortable right now.
he gives me his hand.
"I'm Alfonso, I work for blow up, and I was wondering if you'd talk on Timothèe coming to Italy for his movie premier of dune?"
he says.
"I'm sort of in a hurry so I'm sorry, have a good day."
i say, walking away, when my heart drops feeling someone's hand grip my forearm.
"it'll only take a moment.
"get your hand off of her!"
i turn seeing Jade running towards us, Alfonso rips his arm from mine.
"Togli le tue mani scadenti da lei prima che te ne strappi una nuova!"
Jade yells.
"calmati, voglio solo fare alcune domande al cercatore d'oro!"
he replies, I see jades face drop she grabs her hand bag hitting his across the face, he grunts in pain.
"fuck off!"
She yells.
he runs off.

my heart is practically jumping from my chest.
"are you alright Amore mio?"
she asks.

i wrap my arms around her hugging her.
"shit that was so scary."
i say.
"the paparazzi are crazy here, especially when Venice is hosting big events."
she says hugging me back.
"what was he saying?"
i ask.
"you sound so scary when you yell in Italian."
i say.
"I know, I'm just like my Nona."
I smile.
"So how have you been?"
i ask.
"great really, I miss the New York, but it's good to be home, how have you been?"
she asks, her English was getting bet he r from last time I saw her, we link arms walking.
"my life has turned upside down the last month, but I'm glad you're okay, I missed you so much our crummy apartment just isn't the same without your loud ass English translation blaring."
i say she laughs.

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