Dinner with Tanner

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I walked away in frustration. Was he really a nice guy or was that just an act? 

I got to the cafeteria right as lunch ended. Looking around, I saw Athena waiting for me. 

I excitedly made my way over to her. We had so much to talk about! 

We started walking to class, she was telling me about her plan and how Tanner invited her over for dinner tonight. I thought it was a perfect plan and encouraged her to go on with it.

Unfortunately, her explanation took too long and I didn't get to tell her what happened.

Time skip brought to you by Lucas' throw up

Athena's POV:
I arrived at Tanners house, and walked up to the door.  I also brought my friends hyperactive cats to mess with him a little bit more.

Tanner looked so happy to see me when he opened the door, but his face switched to confusion when he saw the cats.

"My mom's out so no one can babysit them." I said gesturing to the cats. 

I put the basket down and the cats started running everywhere inside of his house. I 'apologized' for their behavior. He looked totally unaffected, even though the cats were destroying his place! 

"Your kittens are adorable, just like you." He complimented me, why was I happy about that? "Come on, dinner's ready." He said as he nodded his head towards the inside of his house.

His parents looked so... fancy! I was surprised to see he had four little sisters. They all gathered around me as if they've never seen an older girl before.

As dinner came, I started fake crying. 

"What's wrong?" Tanner asked, setting down his fork.

"I don't eat chicken. Poor little creatures..." I faked a sniffle. 

His mom asked me if I was vegetarian, I said no and told her a fake story about how a chicken saved my life while I was crossing the road.  

Tanner immediately told his chef to get me something else. 

While we were eating, the cats jumped on the table and made a disaster. The look on their faces were epic! 

I was shocked when his mom took the cats and started petting them, claiming that they're just looking for some love and affection.

After that, I started acting extremely disrespectful; putting my feet on the table, and letting out the loudest burp. 

"Thanks for the splendid meal!" I said trying to sound as innocent as possible again. 

"Anything for you." Tanner said in a charming voice. 

DAMNIT! He was such a good actor! 

After dinner, his mom showed me a few family albums. Baby Tanner was so cute! As I watched him play with his sisters, I couldn't help but realize that maybe he wasn't a selfish jerk after all.

Time skip brought to you by Athena's burp

Athena's POV:

Tanner walked me home, and like always- I tripped. Over a rock.

My glasses fell off as I face planted, thankfully my glasses and face weren't broken. 

Tanner picked up my glasses, and stared at my bare face. "Wow... your beauty is so unreal, so perfect." I deeply blushed. 

Did he really mean that?  

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