The Amusement Park

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The next day while I was reaching for a book in the library, Lucas appeared and grabbed it for me. I gave him a smile and a 'thank you',  but he just nodded. 

While I was doing my homework, he sat across from me and started reading a book. I waited for him to greet me, a hi, hello, how are you, but I got nothing, and he ignored me. I asked him what book he was reading but he just gave me a glare.

Oh so he was copying my glare- oh! I get it, he was using the snobbish bad boy style. I moved beside him and leaned in.

"Are you mute, or does your breath just stink?" I asked. 

I was caught off guard when he frowned. "Do you really wanna know?" 

I immediately pulled away, our faces were so close! I cleared my throat and got myself back on track. 

"Are you free tomorrow? I just need someone to go somewhere with me." What. Was. I. Doing?! I had no idea where I was gonna take him!! 

He shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Time skip brought to you by the authors burrito.

Time skip brought to you by the authors burrito

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Later that night, I did a little research on Lucas. Apparently he had a phobia of heights! Hmm.. I could take him to the amusement park or something, I wasn't good with roller coasters myself... ooh! I'll ask Athena to come! Hopefully Lucas doesn't mind.

I called Athena and ask her, she said yes and she'll even bring some money. I declined, telling her Lucas will pay for everything. She caught on to what I was doing and cackled. I'm concerned for her. She's evil.

Time skip brought to you by Athena's glasses.


The next day, Lucas was shocked when I brought him to the amusement park.

Athena forced him to try all the rides, while I was doing some other stuff since I'm not that good with them. 

After they went on like 5 rides, we all met up and Athena seemed to enjoy teasing him.

"Stop being such a wuss, Lucas! Lets try the pirate ship one more time!"

Lucas tried to respond, but all he did was throw up. I panicked and went to go grab some tissues while Athena just laughed at him. Not gonna lie, I felt kind of bad. It was my idea though... Oh my gosh I'm such an idiot!! He had a phobia of heights! PHOBIA! Well, I guess I'll get my karma for that sooner or later.

I told Athena maybe it was time for a break, but she laughed and told me she wanted more fun. She pretended to sprain her ankle and forced him to give her a piggyback ride and carry her all around the place. Seeing his annoyed face was priceless!!

Athena asked him to buy us some fries. When he bought them, she snatched it from his hand and gave it to me. I happily accepted it, I was really hungry, anyway. Lucas didn't seem to mind me taking the fries, so that was a good thing.

Then Athena made him buy us more food, and his annoyed face was once again, hilarious.

Poor guy later fell asleep on the bench while we ate all the food. Athena and I were having the time of our lives! I can't say the same with Lucas though...

Suddenly, Athena screamed in his ear. He shot up in a panic and asked what was wrong. Athena told him that she was thirsty, and she wanted some soda. He finally snapped.

"Buy it yourself!  You're so fucking annoying." And just like that, he gave up and left. One down, two to go!

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