Chapter 6: Let Us Feast!

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"A slave?" Bard asked with widening eyes.

Astrid nodded slightly before bowing in his presence. "Aye, your father is my master."

Bard turned away from Astrid, surprised by this information. "You do not seem like a slave. You are too up kept." He stated, facing Astrid once more studying her body.

As her eyes met his she felt her jaw clinching tightly together. People watched the scene between Astrid and Bard, which left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Her mind wondered back to Knute. Where was he!? She thought frantically to herself. Had he left her here alone? She quickly shook thoughts from her mind as she shared a moment with Bard.

A smile began to come onto his pursed lips as a small chuckle slipped from his mouth. "Why is everyone standing around staring!?" He questioned, stretching his arms outward as he twirled around surveying the villagers around him. "I am just like you. My men and I expect to be treated like one of you, nothing fancy."

The people applauded his speech before turning their attention back to their chores.

"Astrid!" Knute called, rushing to her side. "I have looked everywhere for you."

Knute's voice trailed off as he saw Bard standing before him. Astrid raised her eyebrows before staring down at the ground as the silence fell amongst them.

"Shall I take that from you?" Astrid asked, implying for the basket of goods from Knute. "Erick will be expecting us soon."

Knute dropped the basket strap, causing the heavy object to drop to the ground. "Here." Knute responded, stepping closer towards Bard.

"Bard?" Knute asked doubtingly. "Is that really you?"

Bard smiled and nodded, taking Knute into an embrace. "Ah, it is Knute!" He answered, patting him forcefully on the back. "How have you been?"

"I have been making it." Knute explained, leading Bard throughout the village. "I see you are just fine."

Bard let out a deep course laugh. "I am doing wonderful." He said taking in a deep breath of air through his nose. "It is good to be home."

Astrid rushed inside the longhouse, where she met Erick standing beside the doors awaiting his son's arrival.

"Where is Knute?" Erick asked, tilting his head to the side puzzled.

Astrid sat down the basket onto the table in the corners beside Jezebel who was kneading bread with the other slave lady, Ingrid. She hesitantly walked back to Erick who stared intently at her with furrowed brows.

"He is with your son." Astrid announced as she folded her hands over her stomach. "And I assume they will arrive shortly."

Erick spun himself around on the heel of is boot to where he was facing the entrance. Astrid made her way to Jezebel at the table where she sat down and began emptying the supplies from the basket containing ten freshly caught fish, two cabbage heads, string beans, and radishes.

"What was he like?" Jezebel asked, glancing up at Astrid.

Astrid shrugged her shoulders, reaching for a large wooden bowl at the end of the table. "He was fine I suppose. I did not deal much with him."

"People say that the Gods have blessed him with handsome features, is that true?" Ingrid asked, placing the flatbread dough onto the iron skillet above the open fire in beside the table.

Astrid smiled as she began skinning the fish. "I must say, he is a very handsome man." She responded, grinning widely. Jezebel and Ingrid began to laugh along with Astrid.

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