26 Monday

64 3 1

"You what?!!" Kitty's angry voice echoed throughout the room.

Lizzie gulped as she shifted on her seat on her bed. She had told Kitty what had happened that afternoon.

She had to tell the lavender-haired girl anyway. Because for some reason, she couldn't come up with an excuse to cover up the mini adventure that she had with Maddie, Raven, and Reina.

Kitty sighed in frustration. "I thought I told you that they couldn't be trusted?" she told the black-and-red haired girl.

Lizzie pursed her lips, holding back from saying anything as the lavender-haired girl rambled on.

"Were you brainwashed to go with them?" Kitty continued.

Lizzie let out a frustrated sigh as she gripped onto her comforter. "For the last time, it was my own choice to join them," she responded.

Kitty stopped her rambling.

Lizzie stood up from her bed. "I spotted Maddie at the beach and decided to follow her until things got out of hand," she explained once more.

"But why would you want to apologize to her for the argument earlier in town?"

Lizzie sighed and looked down. "I don't know," she responded.

Silence fell upon them after that.

"Katherine, Elizabeth, supper is ready," Jennifer called from downstairs.


A bright ray of sunlight shone through the purple tinted glass windows of the room, with the purple beam hitting Raven right on the face.

The black-haired teen groaned and groggily sat up on her bed. Wait…

'Why am I on my bed?!' she thought, pulling her dark purple blankets off of her. She then heard snoring from the other side of her bed.

She turned to the direction of the sound. Only to find her mother sleeping on her dark purple bean bag chair with Crow sleeping right next to her.

That was when she remembered what had happened.

"Your magic is unstable--" her mother began.

"I know that, mom!" she interrupted. "But let's just hope that 'trying' to vanquish somebody weighs much more evil than saving a friend."

And with that, she teleported behind the Dark Fairy and shot an attack.

Only to find out that the woman had a magic force field set behind her.

The impact of Raven's attack sent her flying towards a tree. Leaving her unconscious.

Raven looked at her mother's sleeping figure and sighed. She got up, noticing that she was wearing her nightgown that was colored in a purple and black gradient. She then made her bed, placed a blanket over her mother, and then went out of the room.

She made her way downstairs, hearing the brief whistling of the kettle as she neared the kitchen.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she spotted Maddie, in her pj's, pouring the contents of the kettle into a purple thermos pot. And by the tri-colored haired girl's side were an open stove with a pan with batter on it.

"Maddie…?" Raven trailed off, a bit confused why the girl was cooking.

Maddie turned to her, a bright smile suddenly forming on her lips as she put down the kettle. "Raven! You're awake!"

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