24 A Close Call

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"The Dark Fairy?!" Raven yelled.

Under normal circumstances, she would only be angry at her mother. But this day wasn't normal for the most part. She's worried about her new friend's life, which could be at stake knowing who the Dark Fairy is.

"Yes, the Dark Fairy," Reina replied as they flew past a tree arch.

"Didn't you make amends with her years ago?" Raven asked, gripping onto the staff tighter so she wouldn't fall.

"Uh…" Reina trailed off.

"YOU DIDN'T??!!" Raven shouted. But this was her mother, she should've known better.

"I tried," Reina replied as they flew past another arch.

"But it seems like butting into other people's fairytale will do a number on someone," Crow added as he dangled upside down between the two Queens.

"Crow, why the hex are you dangling upside down?!" Raven asked, making Reina conduct the staff to stop flying forwards.

Crow flew off from his perch and to Reina's side. "There," he deadpanned as he hovered.

Raven only rolled her eyes at the bird's antics.

They then continued on their journey.


Maddie and Lizzie stared at the woman in front of them. She didn't know who the woman was. But by the way Lizzie looked at her, she could tell that she was bad news.

Just then, something began coiling around her neck and took her attention. She looked down and saw a glowing snake right where she was wearing the necklace that the pixies had given her.

'Lizzie was right to be suspicious,' Maddie thought, letting out a shriek. She dropped her sword and then started to try to pull the snake off of her neck.

Her shriek seemed to catch the black-and-red haired girl's attention.

"Maddie!" Lizzie exclaimed, her voice filled with worry as she tried to help Maddie with her snake problem.

But the snake hissed at the black-and-red haired girl, making Lizzie pull her hands back.

Madame Thorn only chuckled darkly from her place.

Maddie gripped onto the snake that was wrapping itself tightly around her neck.

"W-why are you doing this?" she asked, struggling to breathe.

The woman drew a jade-colored spell circle. And as she did, Maddie felt the snake coil tighter.

"Because Reina stole something important from me!" the woman yelled, clenching her fist.

Maddie coughed as she choked.

Lizzie then tried once more to help the tri-colored-haired girl. This time, she drew a spell circle and shot magic towards the snake.

Maddie soon felt something cold in place of the coiling reptile. She took it off, with the ice shattering into pieces afterwards.

"Thanks," Maddie said, out of breath.

"Not bad," Madame Thorn's voice echoed, getting the two girls' attention. "But the fun is yet to begin."

She then smirked, and a dark green light engulfed her.

Maddie looked at where the woman was with fear. Judging by how far the woman wanted revenge on Reina, even attempting to 'dispose' of her and Lizzie, she doesn't know how much more danger this woman could pose to her life.

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