02 Summer Camp?

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A dragon flew up a cliff, overlooking a sea of molten lava, as a young woman with lavender hair did a backflip to land on the raised platform. 

"Foolish child!" yelled the dragon. "I could swallow you whole!" 

The woman stood up straight, her head down, and her cloak billowing behind her. "Do not underestimate me, Jabberwock." She looked up, showing her fiery green eyes. "I am Alison the Great, daughter of Alexander. And I'm gonna put an end to you!" 

She aimed her golden staff at the beast, shooting continuous blasts of blue lightning towards it. 

"Noooooo!!" the dragon yelled, a lightning strike hit it on the chest. 

He then fell into the depths of the ocean of lava, never to be seen again. 

"And that's the end," Maddie smiled from the ceiling. She had somehow ended up sitting on it as she retold her report the second time the same week. 

"Maddie, get down from there," the woman said. 

Maddie hopped down from her seat and back to her chair. She then took out a thermos pot from her backpack and poured herself some tea. 

"Want some?" she asked the Principal with a smile, handing him the cup. 

The principal declined the cup by lightly pushing it back. Maddie shrugged. 

"Twice a serving for me, I guess," she said before taking a sip from the cup. 

The man then turned to the woman as he let out a sigh. "As you can see, your daughter has some kind of problem, Mrs. Anderson." 

The woman put up a finger. "It's MISS Anderson," she defended. "And, what problem are you talking about? She's clearly acting perfectly normal to me." 

The man sighed once again, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. "She's clearly got a weird addiction to fanfiction from the looks of her book report. Do you know the difference between normal, and abnormal behavior, Ms. Anderson?" he asked, his annoyance slipping into his tone. 

The woman nodded. "Yes. Yes, I do," she responded. "But I can assure you, Madeline is acting perfectly fine." 

"A thousand percent, a fishy-no-ishy and an m-less mine!" Maddie exclaimed, pouring herself another cup of tea. 

The man shot the teenager a glare before turning to the woman. "You should get your thoughts rearranged, ma'am," he said as he pulled open his drawer. "And while you're at it, send your daughter here." He showed a brochure to the woman. 

The brochure was a piece of green tri-folded colored paper with collage photos on it. And inside was a description. 

But the detail was already implied on the cover. 

For the undesirables
"Think inside the box"

Maddie dropped her stainless cup as she nearly choked on her drink. "Summer camp?!" she exclaimed in disbelief, getting the attention of the adults. Her shock was  clearly seen on her face.

She then turned to her mother. 

"Mom, no. No…" she pleaded, shaking her head. 

The woman nodded once and turned to face the principal. "Principal Moss, maybe there is another way," she tried to convince the man. 

The man groaned, very unprofessional for his age and position. "Unfortunately," he began as he clasped his hands together, "there is nothing you can do about it. You would either send her there, or you won't and she won't be admitted to this school next school year, Marie." 

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