Chapter 40

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-Matts POV-
"Uhh, bout 13 hours" I respond I'm kinda confused,
"I don't think I can wait that long" she says placing herself on my lap, wrapping her legs around me, we kinda just stare at each other, all I can think is about what I have planned for tomorrow,
"Faith, babe, I really want this, I mean I REALLY want this but I want to wait for tomorrow night, I have something amazing planned"
"Awwwwe really okay" she says getting off me but she kinda put her hand on my member while getting off, so I kinda shifted trying to be casual but yet not make it look less like I have a boner, to make things less awkward,
"Here you go shower first" I say giving her a smile, she stands up and puts her hand out,
"What" I say still smiling,
"I want to get back in the pool" she says shifting her head towards the left,
"I will meet you there" I answer, she just shrugs and heads out to the pool, I kinda I just stand up and think about some weird thinks to get rid of it, like my old teacher, dead puppies and the worst "Nashley" in a bikini, that one makes me cringe.

I head out and Faith is already swimming, I just run and dive in making a splash,
"Matthew Lee Espinosa" she shrieks, I come up and she's got her arms crossed, I swim closer,
"Your adorkable" I whisper pushing hair out of her face, as she goes to answer me, my phone starts ringing,
"ill be right back" I swim to the edge and pick it up,
"Hello" I say putting it to my ear,
"Hello Matty" My mother answer,
"How are you?" I say looking at Faith though,
"Matt I know you don't care, how long till magcon?" She sounds kinda frustrated,
"Couple of weeks" I respond still looking at Faith,
"Good can you fly in, on Monday" she says not even asking like a question,
"Sure Can I bring someone?" I pause,
"Oh please" I say like a 5 year old and Faith holds back laughter,
"No girls" she points out,
"Don't you want to meet my girlfriend" once I said girlfriend, I pull the phone away cause I know what's about to happen,
"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" it sounds like she's on loud speaker,
"I WANT TO MEET HER" again Faiths smile just drops,
"Okay but Mom I have to go, I'll see you soon, I love you" I say kissing the phone,
"Bye honey, I love you too" she responds.

I get to the corner of the pool and get done on my knees,
"Guess who's meeting my parents" I say trying to smile,
her mouth just goes wide,
"No no no no" she's says jumping up wrapping her arms around it to hang from,
"What why" I question,
"I don't want to mess up" she says staring into my eyes,
"This is what you get" she's says tightening her grip,
"1, 2, 3" she counts and then rips me into the pool by my neck, I come up and were already laughing together, i swim back to the edge, to hop out but Faith stops me,
"Where do you think your going" she says being all sassy,
"To the shower" I say just staring at her,
"Why" she says swimming closer,
"Because there's nothing to do" I say,
"Hey can I ask something" she says putting her head down,
"Of course baby girl" I say placing my pointer under her chin picking her head up,
"What if I'm not ready tomorrow" she whispers,
"Babe, I deadly want you, but I want you to know, I can wait, I don't want to pressure you, no rush" I speak still staring at her and I can see she is going a nice shade of pink,
"Thank you so much" she says wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me in to a hug,
"I, I, I" I stutter,
"Matt spit it out" she shakes me,
"I. think. I love you" I stutter again, her eyes go wide and she starts to get a smile that goes from ear to ear,
"I think I love you too" she erasures me, I just smile, and all I can think is don't kiss her, DONT KISS HER, but next thing I know, our lips are smashed together,
"That doesn't count, I kissed you" she smiles,
"Awesome" I say smiling back, when next thing we knew the front door slammed, Faith rushes out of the pool and wraps her towel around her and rushes into the house, I get out and grab the phones and my towel and rush up the stairs to her, and she's lying on the bed just staring at the ceiling,
"You okay?" I say sitting next to her legs on the bed,
"I just didn't want the guys to see me" she responds putting her hands to her face,
"Faith what is it" I say lying down next to her,
"Just you saying you think you love me and the kiss" she begins,
"I'm sorry if I" I start to apologise,
"Matt you didn't do anything wrong, I think I am ready" she cuts me off and I'm so happy she did,
"are you sure?" I ask sitting up,
"Matt don't make me change my mind" she says sitting up to, and I kinda smiled,
"Well I'm gonna shower" I say walking in.

I shower for about 5 minutes, and when I come back out Faith is pass out sleeping so I just walk up and lay down with her, and just wrapped my arms around her, as soon as I do a smile spreads across her face and mines, I just doz off with her.

Thanks for reading comment and vote, love ya.

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