Chapter 12

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-Faith POV-
So I woke up at 6:40 me and Hope have plans, to go out together, so I grab out my cloths
-A crop top that said "BEAUTY AHEAD👑"
-A Black Skirt
-White vans

And a fresh towel and showered got out and raped my towel around me while I put on my normal make up did my hair I got dressed I got my skirt on and I looked down to see that my skirt was kinda short I woke up Hope and she showered and got ready.

-Hopes POV-
Okay so I woke up to the scream of Faith this morning she was telling me to get in the shower so I got into the shower did my thing got out put my face on and did my hair once that was on point I put on my outfit for the day
-Crop top that says "Looook Bixch"
-White high wasted shorts
-White vans

The girls grabbed the boards and headed out the door Faith locked it and the girls made a slow walk to the elevator while they talked about whatever from drinks to dreams, the hit the lobby and they walked out the front doors to see Cameron, Matthew and Nash,
A/M "CASHEW"❤️❤️❤️ Sorry

-Hopes POV-
Cameron didn't even look at me I don't know why but I'll let it go he might be just tired at the moment.

Matt approached Faith It was awkward at first they kinda just stated at each other then Matt spoke up a little and said Hi is his amazing cheery voice

💋-Faith 😋-Matt
😋-So last night was fun
💋- yea, apart from the Bart thing
😋-sorry I didn't call Bart shoved us in a meeting and by the time I got back to my room it was so late
💋-it's cool☺️
-Faiths POV-
As I went to walk off a gush of wind came by and it blew my skirt up showing my shorts I was turning red in till I felt extra pair of hands on body Matt had his hands on my waist I was happy because [A] it was keeping the back of my skirt down and [B] I was close to Matt, I could feel me turning more red but I looked at him and said thanks with a giggle I picked my board up and me and Hope road away me looking back to see Matt still looking at me, and Cameron and Nash standing there awkwardly.

The girls had a blast of a day, they went to Starbucks witch tastes great like always and they went to the skate park and just did some stuff down there.

-Matts POV-
Okay so I think god was helping me or Mother Nature one if them made some wind come over and in blew Faiths skirt up so witch means I got to get closer and actually help/touch her.

Faith and Hope Made there way after stopping at Subway for dinner the girls got back to there room to just let go of their boards and sit on their beds and just discuses there favourite part of the day they just had Hope liked Starbucks of course and Faith Likes the meeting new people at skate park but after talking about that for an hour or so the girls slipped into their PJS and got into there beds and just laid there on their phones while Hope stalked Cams twitter, Faith Stalked Justin Biebers Instagram.

A/N I'm thinking of writing big chapters❤️ you tell me if so❤️

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