Chapter 16

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-Faith POV-
I woke up next morning with the biggest smile because of last night I kinda just lied in bed thinking to myself "are me and Matt dating" BF and GF now?" "Do I wanna date Matt" I broke from my thoughts when I Hope shout my name causing me to jump so high I fell off the bed as I get up I give her a dirty look and we both rack up laughing I walk over to my suit case and grab out my out fit
-Black High Wasted Shorts
-And My Coral Blue Crop Top That Says "So he calls me up and he's like I still love you but I'm like your Matthew Espinosa" witch makes me laugh every time
-and my black converses
I grab a fresh towel and head into shower I wash my hair nd then get out I blow dry my hair and then straightening it with no make up I couldn't be bothered today so I just walk out naked face but Hope still calls me flawless, I wait around for Hope to finish in the bathroom when I get a text from Matt it says "can I meet you in your room in 5" I just texted back "okay" and I dint really care because Hopes spending the day with Cameron that's why she's taking forever to get read I hear a knock on the door I just yell come in and of course as I do that Hope walks out and Cam walks in he asks ready and she just smiles and gives me hug good by as they leave I just sit up against the bed head and go on twitter I've gone from 3k to 146k witch is so weird and of course trending is #Maith and all of a sudden so is #Jatie I guessing Johnsons Girlfriends flown in for him witch is so cute, all of a sudden there's another knock on the door so walk over to let Matt in as he walks in he sits on my bed and I sit opposite of him and ask just "whats up" as he lets out a little peep of something but I couldn't make out the words so I just asked "will you come with me somewhere like a date" he says very slowly all I did was smile and say yes.

-Matts POV-
Okay I'm sitting here alone in my room trying to make up the courage to ask Faith in a date I know it should be easy but when she looks like that and I'm me it's hard so I just text her saying I'll be down in her room in 5 so that gives me time to practice I just wanna get I perfect time went by quick so grab my phone and my room key and head to Faiths room, as I walk up to the door my palms get sweaty and I can feel a lump in my chest oh wait it's my heart going to explode, she answers the door and let's me in I sit on a random bed just to so I wouldn't faint while asking her she sits down near me and I start to freak out more do I smell can she see my sweat marks I just sit there and say "will you come with me somewhere like a date" trying not to puke on her she says yes and I feel a WHOLE not better now I tell her I'll pick her up at 5:00 and she just smiles and says sure as I leave to go puke in my room, walk into my room and I only have 2 hours to get ready so I sit in my bed and play "Cash Dash" for a while.

-Faiths POV-
As Matt leaves I quickly pull out my phone and check the time I only have 1:58 minutes to get ready so I run to my suit case and I pick out one if my favourite dresses it was white and strapless kinda short but I love it I run into the bathroom and try and zip that up witch took me like 10 minutes and then like 1 hour to do my hair and makeup and then 15 minutes to get the perfect selfie and then I keep checking my makeup so 20 minutes and then I got to my bag to pick out my shoes I chose just a pair of sillier strapped heels and by then I hear a knock on the door and I freak out I open it to Matt who says....... Wait and see

-Matts POV-
So I have 10 minutes to get ready now so I shower and chuck on a nice button up shirt and some nice pants with my vans I put some gel in my hair and head out grabbing my phone and room key and head over and knock on Faiths door as she opens she smiles and I say.....

Have to wait to the next chapter witch will be up soon I know a cliff hanger but I like to have you wait for fun so talk Soon bye Beautifuls xoxo

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