Chapter 49

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Emma had never thought she'd fully adjust to life as an actress, but here she was, feeling more comfortable than ever. Except that there was a dejected atmosphere hanging around. It had been like this for a few days, but no one was looking forward to the end of the series.

Three years had gone by in the blink of an eye and the show was nearing it's finale. Though it still received lots of grace and many viewers, the story was finished and Emma didn't quite know how to cope with it. No one seemed to know.

However, she was shooting a scene she'd been looking forward to for weeks. Everyone knew it was happening and all the viewers had been waiting for it for months.

Regina's character was going to propose to Emma's. They were both dressed in outfits they usually wouldn't wear, but Emma had grown accustomed to the clothing and to the character. She was going to miss her.

"And.. action!" The usual loud clap followed and Regina kissed Emma. That was one thing she loved about this job. She was able to kiss Regina throughout the day and call it work. Fact was that millions of people were looking at them, but that didn't matter to Emma.

The proposal went as rehearsed. Regina kneeled down and Emma's heart fluttered. The scene did make her think about Regina and her relationship. Maybe she should propose soon.

They were already living together in the trailer. Emma had been offered one of her own, but they'd agreed to continue staying together in Regina's cabin. The only difference now was that she'd brought over Pongo, who had grown to be a big dog. They both liked him a lot, though.

"We started out as enemies," Regina began her lines, with tears in her eyes, "but we managed to work past that. There was once a point in my life where I wanted you out of it more than anything else I'd ever wanted, but now I can't imagine my life without you." She swallowed thickly and Emma felt tears stinging in her eyes, as well. Her character was getting married. "Emma Swan, will you marry me?"

Emma bit her lower lip and smiled slightly. "It's Leia," she annunciated and tensed her shoulders. Regina had not once messed up the names in the entire time she'd seen her work.

"Emma Swan, will you marry me?" Regina repeated, the ring was in a box. It was a beautiful ring.

Emma tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked slightly confused. Everyone around her was dead silent. Usually, they'd already started over when something like this happened.

"That's not in the script," Emma whispered, trying to help Regina realize that her character's name wasn't Emma.

"I know. I'm saying it."

"You've got very pretty eyes," Emma said, softly.

"Thanks, but.. that's not in the script," Regina said. She had her arms around Emma's neck. Emma slowly shook her head, but then changed it into a nod.

"I know. I'm saying it," Emma said. She didn't blink. She only looked at Regina's eyes, until her eyes slowly drifted off to Regina's plump lips.

Her breathing hitched, and because Regina was standing so close to her, she could feel the girl's heart pounding loudly. Regina tucked blonde hairs behind her ears, and Emma moved closer.

"Can I.." Emma looked at Regina's lips, and swallowed thickly, before she licked her own, "kiss you?"

"That's also not in the script."

Emma held Regina tightly, and bit her lip nervously. "That's because I am asking it."

Emma's breathing hitched. Regina was looking her in the eyes, waiting for a response, but Emma couldn't quite comprehend it. She wanted to marry Regina. She wanted Regina to become her wife, but she suddenly couldn't find words anymore.

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