Chapter 37

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"Do you want to go to prom with me?" Emma was full on swinging on the swing set, using all her strength, but she came to an abrupt halt after Regina's question. The girl was sitting on the swing, but furthermore not using it for its intended purpose, and she looked at Emma with rosy cheeks.

"It's not for another month. We first have our final exams. You're thinking about prom?" Emma asked in confusion. Though it hadn't been her intention, she could see Regina become slightly more uncomfortable.

The brunette shrugged and looked at the children in the playground. She'd been allowed to go outside and take a break from studying, but her mother wanted her to put all her energy in making sure her final exams went well. Regina tried her best obeying her mother, because the woman hadn't spoken to her about Emma. She didn't speak a lot to her in general, anymore.

"It helps me take my mind off all the stress. To think about the fun times to come. Do you want to?"

Emma nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. I just figured you'd go with Robin, but if he's not claiming you, then hell yeah."

Regina groaned. She hadn't even thought about Robin yet, and now that Emma had brought him up, she knew her mother would convince her to go with the boy.

"Sorry," Emma said. "I didn't want to upset you."

Regina slowly shook her head. "You didn't," she replied and gave Emma a curt smile. "I should go home, though. I was only allowed a fifteen minute break. Thanks for coming."

She wanted to leave, but Emma managed to get ahold of her wrist and pulled her towards her. The girl stood up and smiled. "One kiss to help you work?"

Regina smiled slightly, but shrugged. Emma touched her cheekbone softly and nodded. "Okay, good luck with studying," the blonde said sweetly, and released her hand.

"You as well," Regina responded and turned around. She'd never refused a kiss from Emma. She was always in the mood to have those dainty, soft lips pressed against her own, but lately she felt confused.

She'd talked to Ivy, Robin and Sam about it, but she just didn't know what to do. She'd developed feelings for Emma. She already had feelings that were leaning towards more than friendship, but now she'd falled hard, yet Emma seemed completely oblivious.

Emma didn't want a relationship, she knew that. She also knew that Emma probably didn't feel the same way about her. If she did, she would want a relationship, because that was what Regina wanted.

She'd fallen in love with Emma. There were times that she was about to blurt it out, but she always backed down. Every time she figured she just had to be grateful for what they had. They were friends, with some sort of benefits, and one-sided feelings.

Frankly, she didn't know how long she'd be able to take this. They were moving apart soon, anyway. Her selections had been successful and against all odds, she was accepted into New York's most prestigious acting school. One that was four hours away from Emma's college.

She knew the right thing to do was to call off their entire "arrangement". It wasn't even an actual arrangement. They never really discussed it. They just kissed and hung out and then kissed. However, it wasn't working like this. Regina wanted to fully go for it or forget it all ever happened, but this casual thing wasn't for her.

Regina didn't want to go home yet, but she also didn't want to go back to Emma. Her mind was full of the girl and she knew she wouldn't be able to concentrate on her work, so she sat down on a bench in the park. It was on the way home from the playground, and it was very calming.

She closed her eyes and groaned. The soft sounds of the water from the lake made her sleepy, and she felt like she could doze off any second, now. She'd been studying until the wee hours. It was just one week until the final exams and Regina couldn't wait for it to be over.

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