Chapter 46

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Emma had been stroking Regina's thigh during the entirety of the lunch and though she seemed to do it so mindlessly, all Regina could feel were those fingers gently massaging her leg, sometimes moving higher up.

She felt really at ease, furthermore, except for the fact that there was a girl from around fourteen years old, staring intently at them, sometimes grabbing her phone and then looking back at them. She automatically figured the girl had seen her on TV, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Regina moved her lips to Emma's ear, and whispered with a raspy voice, "You're making me wet, dear. Your touch is very arousing."

She was amused to notice Emma's face turn bright red and chuckled softly. "Do we want to hear what you just told Emma?" Ivy questioned, suspiciously, with one eyebrow raised.

Regina moved closer to the two women across her. "There's this girl that's staring really hard at us. I think she even took a photo just now," she said. "That's what I was saying."

"You must be used to that by now," Ruby remarked and turned around, not so subtly, to look at the young girl. "Don't you get recognized like everywhere?"

Regina shrugged. "Sometimes."

Emma didn't say a lot anymore throughout the rest of their lunch, and Regina wondered whether her comment had anything to do with that. They ended up talking for another hour, about all kinds of nonsense, until Emma figured it was time for them all to head home.

Right when they arrived at their apartment, Mary Margaret and David were leaving the loft. "We're going for a walk, do you want to join us?" Mary Margaret asked, but Emma immediately refused their proposal. "I think we're back in time to finish everything up for dinner. We'll be home in about two hours. Everything still has to.."

"Cool, mom. See you then. Bye," Emma hastily said and shut the door, leaving her mother and David outside.

"You oka-" Regina got cut off by a passionate kiss. Emma pushed her against the closed door and grinded her body against Regina's.

"I really want to fuck you."

"Good," Regina responded and unbuttoned the first button of Emma's blouse, before the blonde pulled her away from the door and took her upstairs.

Regina looked around in Emma's room for a moment. It hadn't changed much. Just a few things were gone and Regina suspected Emma had taken those to her own place. "It looks the same," she said, and Emma impatiently nodded.

"Apart from a few books, everything is still here."

"That toy you kept in the top drawer of your nightstand as well?"

Regina saw Emma turn bright red and the blonde inhaled deeply. She rubbed her neck, evidently embarrassed, and shrugged. "How did you know about that?"

"I didn't, until now," Regina responded happily and chuckled as she glanced at the bookshelf.

Emma sat down on the bed, ignoring Regina's remark, but still showing red cheeks. "Do you want to..?" The blonde patted the bed and Regina immediately turned around with a smirk. She kissed Emma and wriggled her hand under the woman's shirt.

Their clothes quickly disappeared and Emma's hands hovered over Regina's naked body. Regina was bucking her hips, seeking Emma's touch, but not getting it. Emma just looked at her and that alone made her core damp. She felt thick drops of liquid glide down on the mattress below her and when she saw Emma staring at it, she blushed slightly.

Emma turned her on more than anything. The woman was sexy, toned and very attractive. She knew what she was doing in the bedroom and always sensed what was right, though she'd told Regina she felt rather insecure about her skills in the bedroom.

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