Chapter 34

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Emma never used the bathroom during classes. In fact, Ruby remembered a specific conversation that Emma and she had had, where Emma had told her that she didn't like getting up in the middle of class and returning, because everyone would always stare at her.

Yet, this was the third time in two days that Emma had asked the teacher to be given permission to use the toilet. Ruby had even asked Emma if she had a bladder infection, but Emma had looked confused at her and replied no.

Yesterday, Emma had gone almost at the same time as Regina had and that made Ruby wonder. She wasn't stupid, she knew there was something going on between the two of them, but Emma wasn't giving her anything.

Ruby watched as Emma hastily left the classroom, her phone visible in her back pocket. Ruby looked back at the teacher, but he was checking some tests or doing something else that really didn't interest her, so she grabbed her phone and texted Ivy.

That girl was Regina's best friend, so if there was anyone who knew something was up with Regina, it'd be her.

Ruby: come to the toilets on the second floor asap

Ivy: why? what up?

Ruby knew Ivy was often on her phone during classes and it really came in handy, now. She really wanted to speak to the girl.

Ruby: i need to check smt please meet me there

Ivy: im in class the teacher is never gonna let me go, regina's already gone to pee he never lets two ppl go

Ruby: just say ur on ur period hes not gonna say anything else anymore pls i really want to say something

Ivy: and it can't wait?

Ruby: NO!

Ruby quickly put her phone away and cleared her throat, gaining the teacher's attention. "Sir?" The man looked up and cocked his head. "May I please use the bathroom?"

The man sighed, and shook his head. "You can wait until Emma's returned."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm on my period and I really need to use the bathroom."

"Can't you hold it in?" one of the boys behind her said, and Ruby abruptly turned around. She squinted her eyes and wanted to cry because of the lack of education these boys suffered.

"Do you have ONE braincell? Oh, my God. Sir, you're a biology teacher, can't you give him a proper explanation on how the human body works?" Her teacher seemed slightly annoyed and ashamed at the same time. "And, now, please let me use the bathroom, because there's blood coming from my uterus through my vagina and it's not long before it's on my chair."

That was enough, or maybe too much, information for her teacher to allow her to go. She quickly stood up and smiled widely as she left the classroom in a hurry. When she arrived by the bathrooms, she could see Ivy walking up to her.

"What's so important that you had to text me. During class, might I add. You never text during class. You once even ratted me out. Mrs. French was not amused."

"Could you shush for a moment. I think Regina and Emma are hooking up in the stalls," Ruby said, and gestured at the bathroom door, which was closed.

"Regina has a boyfriend."

Ruby scoffed. "Please, that girl is gay as fuck. Maybe she doesn't know it herself yet, but she doesn't like him," she said and then brought her index finger to her lips, telling Ivy they had to be quiet.

She softly pushed the door open, and when she did, she wished she hadn't. She wished she was still doing her biology homework in class, because the sounds coming from one of the stalls were not those of someone using the toilet for its right purpose.

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