Chapter 16

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"Ivy said you liked her shoes," Regina said. "Do you recognize them?"

Emma blinked a few times and nodded curtly. "Why does everyone think it was you, then?"

Regina put her phone away and Emma sat down on the bed, looking intrigued at Regina. They weren't going to leave until she'd heard everything about this story. She hated that things in Storybrooke weren't so one-sided. Why couldn't she just be angry at Regina for stealing Ruby's boyfriend, instead of it all being untrue?

"Because I told everyone it was me," Regina said, making everything even more confusing to Emma. She sat down on the bed as well and started explaining. "Ivy liked Peter for a while, but he was with Ruby, so she wasn't going to act on it. A short while later, Peter found out and eventually they kissed. Some douchebag, we still don't know who, took a photo of them and texted it to Ruby, who confronted Ivy. Ruby was really flipped out and wanted to go to Ivy's parents, because everyone knows Ivy isn't allowed to date or do anything remotely related to sex and romance, because her parents are extremely cautious with that kind of stuff. So, I told Ruby it was me and she believed it. Everyone believed it, really."

Regina paused for a moment, for Emma to take it all in. "My mom would be thrilled to hear I had kissed a boy and it would prevent people from thinking I was a lesbian. It was for both me and Ivy beneficial."

"Wow.." Emma said after a moment of silence. "I really do not know what to think of this. Somehow, it's anticlimactic, but still.. wow. That's pretty messed up."

"Yeah.." Regina said softly. "Ruby and I already didn't really get along for some reason. She never seemed to like me a lot."

Emma scoffed. "Are you kidding? Everyone adores you, including Ruby. God knows why, because you've been nothing but awful to her."

Regina cocked her head. "Hmm.. perhaps I just don't like her. Not after she threatened to call Ivy's parents that she'd kissed someone. That was really lame."

Emma rolled her eyes. "She's still my friend. And we're still going to her birthday party, so you better act nicely."

"I doubt she'll want me there."

Emma had to fight the urge to roll her eyes again. "So, be your best self and don't make me regret taking you there. You were doing so well this evening, don't get all bratty now."

Regina exhaled loudly, but nodded. "Fine."

They left Emma's room without another word, after Emma had grabbed Ruby's gift from her desk, and they descended the stairs. Cora and Mary Margaret were still sitting at the table and looked at the two girls.

"You both look stunning!" Mary Margaret exclaimed, happily, and got up from the table. She walked towards the girls and smiled brightly. Cora followed her example and walked towards them as well, and smiled as well.

"Emma, you look stunning," she said, with a sparkle in her eyes. Then, she looked at Regina and her smile, along with the sparkle in her eyes, faded. "Regina.." she lowered her voice, slightly, "are you sure you want to go out like that?"

Regina had looked rather happy when she was alone with Emma, but Emma noticed her expression having changed entirely. She looked almost embarrassed, because of her mother's scolding.

Cora moved towards Regina and adjusted some hairlocks, before she whispered, "You don't want everyone to think you're a slut, now would you? Even if it's true. Reputation is important."

Emma was certain she wasn't supposed to hear it, but she did. And so did everyone else in the room.  "I think she looks great," she quickly said and smiled at Regina, who now just seemed very tired.

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