the chapter after last

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You were thrown in the back of the van and locked in. There were no windows and nothing apart from you in there.
It took about ten minutes for you to start moving, and soon you heard traffic.
You started banging on the back door, hoping someone would hear you, but nothing happened.
You lay down on the cold floor of the van. There was nothing you could do except try to sleep. Who knew how long the journey was going to take.
What felt like an eternity later, the van stopped. You awoke as your head hit the side of the van.
Your head hurt, as you had been thrown around while sleeping, hitting your head a million times.
The back doors open and your eyes hurt as the light hit you.
Two people stepped in front of you and pulled you out the van. They stood you up, and you started walking with them.
You passed an open office, with many people staring at computer screens. It looked like an ordinary office, except from the fact that 'Hail Hydra' was written almost everywhere and plans for weapons were laying around.
This Hydra base was overground, as you saw a view of some houses out the windows.
You walked down some stairs; there were so many you were pretty sure you were underground now.

You looked around. You recognised the layout of the base as the exact same as the base you were in when you were younger. But the way you were walking meant...
"No!" You ripped free.
You had been walking towards hell, the room where you had been repeatedly tortured. You sprinted down a hallway. If the layout was the same, there should be some empty conference rooms that way.
You were right. You ran into the one at the end and locked the door.
You turned around and scanned the room. A phone! Yes!
You ran over to it but it required money for you to talk. You ran to the desk in the middle of the room and searched the draws. You find a wallet and emptied out. Luckily there was some loose change.
You used it to pay for a phone call, and started dialling.
"Hello?" you were so relieved to hear Bucky's voice.
"Y/n is that you?"
"Yes Bucky it's me!" You cried. "Please help."
"Where are you?"
"I, uh. It's another Hydra base. " You weren't 100% sure where but you think you heard someone say Florida. You looked over to the desk and searched again, not really knowing what you were looking for. You let out a sigh of relief when you found a "guide to Miami" pamphlet.
"I think, I think I'm in Miami."
You heard voices down the hall, and people were trying to open the doors of the rooms next to you.
"Please hurry. I don't thi- ." Someone tried to open the door of the room you were in and you froze.
"Hey, we know your in there! Open the door!" They yelled.
They kicked down the door and ran over to you, pulling you away from the phone.
"NOOOO!" you screamed but it was too late. The call had ended and you were thrown over someone's shoulder . You tried to punch and kick them and get down, but they didn't flinch. They carried you back to the room that you had run away to avoid.

The door in front of you opened, and you were carried in. You were still struggling to be put down when you were placed onto a chair in the middle of the room.
"No. No. No. No. Please don't do this." You started to cry as your hands were tied with belts to the arm rests. Your legs were buckled together and your chest was tied to the back of the chair. One last buckle was done up around your forehead, forcing you to look forward.
You saw the man you had seen first back in the other base, standing in front of you now.
"Hello again y/n"
"Please. Don't do this. Please. Please!" You begged.
"You know I almost don't want to. That face of yours, so innocent," he tucked your hair behind your ears "it makes me want to hurt you less."
"Then don't. Don't hurt me."
"But you see. You need to learn some discipline. When you disrespect your superiors. And run away from them. That's not okay, y/n."
He gets closer to your face. You gulp as you can't move. You can't even turn your face away. He kisses your cheek.
"Get away from me, you bitch" you mutter to him.
He pulls away with disappointment "see that's exactly the kind of thing you need to be punished for."
You don't say anything as a tear rolls down your cheek.
"You know y/n. I should be thanking you."
You still don't say a word.
"We have you. But we had no idea how to get your brother here too. But knowing him, after he heard you scream on that phone, he's going to rush straight to your rescue, and he's not going to be waiting for his friends. So thank you, y/n. For calling him, and telling him exactly where you are. And when he gets here, we will be waiting."
Your heart broke. That couldn't be true. Had you really just helped Hydra set a trap to catch your brother?
"Now, y/n, I'm giving you the choice here. Would you rather get injected with the super soldier serum before your brothers arrival, or after, so he is forced to watch you become a monster like him?" He said in a sickening baby voice.
You start struggling in your chair. You got friction burns as the restraints rubbed against your skin.
"We both know that's not going to work. You're not going anywhere. Now, you have 5 more seconds to decide when you want the serum before I decide for you."
You keep struggling.
This can't be happening.
You pull your head foreward, hoping the restraint comes loose.
You shake your arms, and try to pull them out of their bounds.
You try ripping your legs apart, to break the belt.
You stop moving.
"Such a disappointment. Honestly. I guess your brother is just going to have to watch you suffer."
He walked over to you and breathed down your neck "I'm going to enjoy this."
He put something in your mouth and left the room.
You stared at yourself in the double sided mirror opposite you. You knew people were standing on the other side, watching you.
Your mind turned the reflection of you into your younger self. She looked more afraid then you were now.
You stopped crying and tried to straighten up in your chair. You knew this was going to take a while, so you wanted to be prepared.
Then it started.

Peter Parker + y/n Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora