y/n's pov again

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You open your eyes and there is a man staring at you, only inches away.
"Get the fuck away from me" you try and scream and push him away, but your hands are bound together behind your back, and there is a gag in your mouth.
"Finally you're awake" the man laughed at your failed attempt and removed the fabric from your mouth.
"Let me go" you spat at him. He stepped back and sat in a chair opposite you.
"What do you want?" You yell at him.
"I want to finish what we started." He said.
"What do you mean? Who are you?!"
"Oh y/n. We had plans for you. Big plans."
You gulp but don't say anything. You try to look brave, and not let your fear show.
"You see. Our plan was in motion. Until your brother ruined it."
"What exactly was your plan?" you ask.
The man laughed. "We were going to raise you, as we raised him. You were going to become a super soldier. And together, you two would become the most dangerous duo to exist. And we would have control of you."
You stare at him. You had no idea of this plan, you thought that your presence at the Hydra base was to torture Bucky emotionally, as they tortured you physically.
"But as I said" the man continued "your brother ruined it. So here we are, trying to put the plan back in motion."
"How did you find me?"
"We never lost you."
"What do you mean? How? Why did you only take me now then?" You yelled each question, infuriated as he only smiled at you more.
"We're not stupid. When you were here before, we put a tracker beneath your skin, in case we ever lost you. And you did. But after you escaped,  we waited until you had turned 16. Bucky was so protective of you, we needed to wait until he was giving you more independence. And plus, the older you are, the stronger."
You think about all the times you had been out before, all the times you were walking alone. Your 16th birthday was five months ago. "Why did you only take me now?"
"Because we had an obstacle. A new friend you had made. He was always with you."
Peter. Oh god, did they have him too, you thought.
"What have you done with Peter? Where is he?" You scream.
"Don't worry. He is fine. We had no need to take him too. He was not our main priority."
He was still smiling at you, and it maddened you. You wanted to do something, fight back, but you were stuck in place.
"You disappeared for a while. Four days to be exact. So we decided to trail him, and he led us to the Avengers Tower. Finally, we saw you leave with him. So we followed you, all the way to that spot on the hill where we took you."
You still didn't say anything. The man checked his watch then looked back at you.
"Well I think that's enough conversation for now." He stood up and walked over to a table where there was a bottle and the piece of fabric that had been around your mouth. He poured the liquid onto the gag. He came back towards you and crouched in front of you.
"Hail Hydra" he whispered, as he wrapped the fabric back around your head, covering your mouth again.
Your eyes start to close as the liquid took effect. The last thing you saw was the man's rotten yellow teeth, grinning at you.

The next time you woke up, you were in a different room, darker than the other one. The same man from before was in the room too, and he was holding your phone.
"You know, your boyfriend won't stop texting you. Neither does your brother. This thing has been vibrating like crazy." He waved your phone in your face.
"Give that back!" You yelled. You were no longer gagged and you weren't bound to anything, so you got up and tried to grab the phone.
The man pushed you back onto the cold, concrete floor. You struggled to get back up, and finally gave in.
"Let's let your brother know you are ... safe." He said. "Don't mess this up."
You heard the ping on your phone, the one that lets you know a recording has started. You wanted to cry out, but you didn't know where you were or what time it was, and you were afraid what the man would do to you.
The man kicked you and zoomed the camera in on your face. Then finished the recording.
"Not a cinematic masterpiece but it'll do." He sighed and pulled fabric out from his pocket. Not again.
You stood up and tried to get away, but he blocked the door. You cried and screamed, then fell to the floor, as he yet again put you to sleep.

Awake again. You were in a third room. A cell painted white, with a metal bed against the wall. You were laying on the metal bed, when someone came and unlocked the door. It wasn't the same person. It was a different man. He walked in and bound your hands together, then pulled you up and out the cell.
You passed a row of cells, then walked through some double doors.
"They're here." A woman said to the man holding you.
"Who's here?" You ask. As if you were going to get an answer. Unsurprisingly, they ignored you.
Suddenly you heard a crash from the floor above, and you were hurried down another hallway.
"Help!" You scream, hoping for someone to help you. "Someone help me!"
You managed to pull out of the man's grip, and you took off. You didn't know where you were going, but you just kept running. You pulled the bound off with your teeth as you rounded a corner.
You could here yelling behind you, about 6 people were chasing you now. You approached some doors and from behind them you could hear people grunting in pain and guns firing.
You ran towards them, hoping someone there could help you. But before you reached them, you were pulled back. The people behind you had caught up with you.
"Nooooo!" You screamed. "Let me go!" You struggled to be let go off, but couldn't escape again as now 3 people were holding on to you, rather than just the one.
"PLEASE. Let me go!" you shouted at them and kicked them. But they didn't stop dragging you along the floor, away from all the commotion.
"Take her to to the loading bay" you hear one of the men say. They pulled you up to your feet and there was someone holding each arm. There were now two people in front of you and two people behind.
You refused to move.
"Walk!" A man behind you pointed his gun at you. They wouldn't shoot you, you thought, they needed you. But you didn't want to test it, so you started walking.

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