Part 29

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*y/n pov*
"Goddamnit" I muttered under my breath when I woke up.
I was alone in a dark room, tied to a chair.
This was happening too often.
But I suppose this time it was my fault.
My head was pounding. I probably hit it when I fell.
Why the fuck did I jump, I kept thinking.
It was a really stupid idea, and look where I ended up.
I looked around at my surroundings.
The room was quite large with no windows and only one door.
I could try screaming for help, but it was very likely no one was out there waiting to come save me.
I needed to learn to save myself. Now seemed like a good time to start.
I pushed myself to my feet, huddled in an awkward position as the chair was tied to my back and my wrists were tied to the arms of the chair.
Then I jumped as best I could to land on my back.
I heard a crack, but the chair wasn't broken enough for me to wriggle free yet.
So I did it again.
"Fuck" I mumbled when my head bashed the floor a little.
But the chair was now completely broken, and I crawled away from its remains.
I hurried over to the door, then paused with my hand on the handle.
If I tried to open it but it was locked, they would know I was free out of the chair, and so they'd probably come in more prepared to fight.
"Help" I screamed out, standing behind the door.
Someone opened the door a moment later with a grin across their face. It disappeared the second he saw the chair broken on the floor.
I stepped out from behind the door and tackled him to the ground. I found a gun in his holster and held it up to his forehead.
"You don't want to do this y/n..."
"I am so done with this shit" I spat at him.
I pulled the trigger. I shot him. Several times.
My eyes were squeezed shut and my face turned away as this wasn't something I particularly wanted to see.
I'd hurt people before, but never killed anyone. Not that I was aware of anyway.
I heard more footsteps running towards me, so I hid behind the door again.
Three people ran in. I shot each of them in the back of the head before they had a chance to notice me.
I watched each of them drop to the floor, and leant back against the wall.
What was I doing? I couldn't do this.
I breathed slowly out my mouth.
I went to brush the hair out of my face, but realised the gun was still in my hand. Oh god, I thought.
I checked to see how many bullets were left.
Just one.
I looked at the bodies on the floor.
I honestly didn't see myself getting out of here alive.
Why try to fight when I could just...
Suddenly there was a crashing sound not so far away.
There was no other way out the room except the door you were hiding behind.
Fuck it.
I ran out the room, hoping the one bullet in the gun would be enough to get you out of there. I knew it wouldn't, but I gotta hope.
There was yelling and shooting and fighting.
I got to a door after I had been running for a while, and it sounded like there were people behind it.
But there was no other way to go.
I pulled on the door handle.
It was locked.
I guess I wasn't going through there.
I didn't know what to do, because there was no where else to go.
I shot the one bullet I had left at the handle and kicked the door open.
As soon as I stepped through, I was knocked to the ground before I had the chance to see who was there.
From the floor I saw a large hole in the ceiling, with cracks extending to the sides of the room.
Directly above my head, there was a crack that was slowly expanding, dust falling down.
Someone shot at it, and before I could move a chunk of the ceiling fell over me.
The last thing I heard was someone screaming my name.
I was unconscious too soon to figure out who it was.

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