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-couple of months later-

*y/n pov*
"No!" You scream as you sat up.
"Hey it's ok, I'm here."
"Thank you Bucky. I thought they would have stopped by now."
"I know. I wish I could say the nightmares would go, but I still get them, too."
"Have you even been to sleep yet tonight?"
"I've dozed off every now and then."
"I'm fine now. I promise. Go back to your room and get some proper rest, now."
"Fine. But you're sure you're ok?"
"I'm sure."
"Ok. Oh and y/n..."
"Happy birthday."
He smiled and left the room. I checked the time on my phone, and saw it was just passed 5am. You didn't really want to go back to sleep, in case you had another nightmare and disrupted Bucky resting.
You opened a book and read until the sun shone bright through your window.

Your phone buzzed and you picked it up to see a message from Peter.
'Happy birthday' it read.
'Ugh. I don't want to be 17 yet.' you replied.
He sent back the laughing emoji and a winky face.
You put your phone down on the bedside table and got up to get dressed.
You had school today so you picked out a pair of jeans and your favourite sweater.

This wasn't your first day back since you had been gone, so rumours about you had died down. Your first day back, you had been confronted a lot about what happened. You lied and said your gran had died so you had flown out to her funeral in California. Luckily, everyone believed you.

You arrived at school and saw Peter waiting with Ned and MJ. They waved you over to walk with them to class.
"Happy birthday!" They all said.
Throughout the day, many others wished you a happy birthday, including Liz.
"I'm sorry what happened between you and Peter." She had said to you.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too. But you know, there was nothing going on with us." You told her. "We're just friends."
"I don't know. You guys spend a lot of time together for 'just friends'." She walked off and you looked at Peter. You laughed at each other.
"That was weird right?"
He nodded. "Can you imagine?"
"Oh, Peter darling, hold me close." You mocked.
"I'd love to dear." He played along.
You laughed and walked out of school.
"I have a surprise for you" Peter said. "But I know you hate surprises so I thought I'd tell you in advance."
"What is it?" You didn't like how secretive he was being.
"Don't hate me. But... I arranged a small ish party for you later."
"Peter. Nooooo." You groaned.
"Hey I thought you loved parties. Once upon a time I was the one who hated them."
"I know I just. I haven't even worn a dress since... the incident."
"No, the other one."
"Our fight?"
You shook your head "wow. Lotta incidents. No I mean the last party we went to. You know. With Flash. I ended up in the hospital."
"Yes but this time, Flash won't be there. And your brother will be. So will Wanda and Nat, and basically all the avengers."
"Isn't that suspicious? The avengers at a random teenage girls 17th birthday party."
"They won't be... engaging with the guests. They'll be like, in another room. It was their idea. They insisted."
Peter looked pleadingly at you.
"Fine I'll go." You gave in.
Peter walked you back to your apartment, and you invited him in. You walked into your bedroom, and on your bed there was a gift box.
'From Wanda and Nat. For you to have for tonight.' The label said. You look at Peter suspiciously, but he acted like he doesn't know what it is.
You open it, and find an absolutely gorgeous dress. It was a lovely silver glittery colour, that reached down to your ankles with a split down the side. It came with a beautiful pair of silver high heels, and a silver birthday tiara for your hair.
You instantly called Wanda and Nat to thank you for your gift. When you got off the phone, you saw Peter had changed into a tight blue suit.
"Well, are you going to get ready?" He asked. You nodded excitedly and changed into your outfit.
You walked out of your room. Bucky had arrived and was now talking to Peter in the kitchen.
"Wow! You look..." Peter began, but looked nervously at Bucky.
"Go on..." he said.
"You look amazing." Peter said.
Bucky nodded approvingly at him then turned to me and said "I have to agree. You look great. Come on let's go now. You don't want to be late to your own party."
"And where exactly is this party being held?"
Bucky drove you across town, and you pulled up in front of a large hall available to rent. Peter opened the car door for you, and walked you to the door.
Bucky drove off the park the car.
"Are you ready?" Peter asked before you walked in.
"I think so."
Peter pushed opened the doors and you were greeted by all your friends.
Music started blasting out some speakers and the night began.
As the night progressed, you didn't leave Peter's side and you had nothing to drink. Every so often, you noticed an avenger looking through a door in the corner of the room.
It approached midnight when people started to leave.
You were glad the night was finally starting to end and nothing had happened.
The hall was empty just after 1, besides you and Peter sitting on some steps that led up to a stage.
The avengers walked in from the side room where they had been all night.
"Ready to go home?" Bucky asked.
"Shouldn't we clean up?" You pointed out the plastic cups, deflated balloons and bits of food there were everywhere.
But they were no longer a problem after Wanda used her mind to quickly gather everything into some bin bags and put by the bins in the room.

Everyone went back to yours and Bucky's apartment rather than the tower, and you decided to order some pizza from a 24/7 take away. It was about 2.30am when the pizza had been delivered and completely finished.
"Ok. I think it's time we all head home and let you rest." Nat said, noticing you yawning.
You snapped back wide awake, though "Oh no! No one goes anywhere. Presents first!" you clapped.
They laughed tiredly, but you had already turned your attention to the pile of presents by the TV.
You ripped open presents, one after the other, thanking everyone for their gifts. You received all sorts of things: jewellery, a new phone, a waffle maker, some new shoes, etc.
You even got your very first blade from Nat, which Bucky wasn't too happy about.
There was only one present left, and it was from Peter. The box was small, so you opened it carefully.
Inside was a beautiful necklace, with your favourite flower as a charm on the end. You found a clasp on the side of the flower, and realised it was a locket.
You opened it up, and on the inside were two pictures of you and Peter. In one, he was smiling at you, as you were licking the tip of his nose. In the other, he was stood behind you, with his arms wrapped around you. He was kissing the top of your head as you were smiling at the camera.
"Oh my god." You pause, as everyone in the room looked at you. "Peter, I love it. Thank you so much." You hug him and he offers to put it on for you.

*Peter pov*
She moved her hair over her shoulder and I pull the necklace around her neck. I tighten the clasp and she turned to face me.
"It looks so pretty on you" I told her. She hugged me again and I hugged her back.
"Right. I'm tired. All presents are open. I'm leaving." Stark got up. "Happy birthday" he said to y/n as she got up and hugged him. The rest of the avengers hugged her goodbye and all left.
"Bucky, can Peter stay here tonight?" Y/n asked her brother.
"No" he replied instantly as he was clearing away the wrapping paper.
"I said no. Bye kid." Bucky said to me.
Y/n turned to me "sorry. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."
"Bye." I hugged her one last time and smelt her hair as I did so.

I left her apartment and didn't stop thinking about her until I got home.
Oh crap, I thought.
I picked up my phone to call Ned.
"Hey you were right. I have a crush on her."

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