kinda rant abt Core Shorts stuff and yeah

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 So idk if the shorts are out yet, but I've seen the trailer and a lot of people talking about them. And I thought, 'why not talk abt it?'

So here we are. Mainly I think it could be cool since 1) Nya's in them, and 2) they seem to be upgrading their powers. Honestly I had an au idea where each of them would gain new forms after season 15 and Wu would be like "she's lost herself in her transformation. this is what i feared." and he explains that the others could gain new forms but they have to be careful not to lose themseleves


There was a YouTuber who labled the idea as "interesting, to say the least" and I basically agree. And it wouldn't be too far off from what Nya did with the ice/snow from season 11, right?

Or at least they could be immune t other things with their powers; Kai could control any fire and not burn himself (also mini-theory about that Skylor scene, have we seen him using his fire with bare hands that much? I don't think so, and when he uses a lot of it, his hands are still covered with the gloves of his gi. So Chen probably didn't have the right fabric so Kai wouldn't burn himself?- idk, honestly it seems like Chen just bought some Halloween-Brand "ninja" outfits for them-)

Uh anyways it might not make sense for Cole or Lloyd, like, what else could they do with their powers? Other than the burst thing that Cole did I'm not sure how they'll do that.

Also with the snakes and the Core sets, idk if they'll be used in canon or not but I'm prety sure they will be- but a big concern I have is with the Monastery. If it's gonna be used, what will happen to the old one?

I hope it's nothing bad though- like, if they need to upgrade the powers then they might need to upgrade their home too? Maybe the Monastery will get rebuilt at the end of s16? No clue, but I need to get back to a Kai fic I'm workin on so-

Um thanks for reading my random thoughts- bye!

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