Chapter 13

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Me and Kal get out of the car and look at a hill. The hill I crossed over to get to the city.

"It's right over there." I say to him.


He grabs his bow and arrow. And he walks up to me, places his hand on my cheek and says, "Do you know how to use a bow and arrow?"

He says it in such a sexy voice it makes me shake.

"No. Can you teach me?" I ask him, smiling.

He nods.

He hands me the bow and arrow, stands at my side behind me and places his arms on both of my arms and moves them in the direction of where I'm supposed to hold the weapon. I feel my back resting against his chest. So warm. I just want to sleep on it.

"Now pull your arm back." He whispers in my right ear.

I giggle and blush. I pull the arrow back.

"And release. Let go."

I do what he tells me to and the arrow goes flying into a store window and it shatters.

"Very good." He says smiling.

"Thanks." I smile and turn to face him.

Our chests touch. Our eyes meet. Our faces are inches apart. I never been this close to him before, anyone before. I hand him the bow and arrow and he takes it, without taking our eyes off each other. He wraps it around his back along with the sword, still looking into my eyes.

He places both of his hands on my cheeks. I know where this is leading. He pulls my face gently towards his and forces his lips onto mine. Our lips touch. Beautiful. Never felt this emotion in my life. He kisses me hard. His mouth opens. How sexy. I force mine to open as well, trying to please him. He stops kissing me and we look into each other's eyes once again.

"Now that, was sexy." He says.

"Indeed." I say.

"Now, I'm gonna go up that hill and into that hospital, and get my little sister out of there. Wanna come with?"

I think for a second. I can't waste any more second. I need to get to my family. I need to see them. I'm so eager to, it's all I've been thinking about.

"Kal...." I begin, "I would go with you, but I just can't wait any longer. I need to find my family. It's been my journey since this all started, and I can't let anything stop me from doing it."

He stares at me for a second, looks down and scratches the back of his head.

"Okay, that's fine." He says.

"I'm sorry Kal. I really am."

"No, don't be." He touches my cheeks again.

"See me again?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

He kisses me again. He goes to his car, opens the trunk and hands me a walkie-talkie.

"You are going to tell me where you are and if you found them. It isn't that far from here, this place. I'll call you on here, and I will tell you when I am done and when I have my sister. And we will meet up. Okay?"

I nod, but then shake my head.

"What is it?" He says looking deep into my eyes.

"I just, I don't want you getting hurt or staying there."

"Staying there? I'm not staying there."

"If they don't let you leave."

"I'm gonna make it out, don't worry about me."


"You can walk or get a car. Or you can take my car and me and my sister can walk." He suggests.

"No, you take your car, I can find another one. It's fine."


He walks away and I watch him walk to the top of the hill, until I no longer see him. Good luck Kal.

We are separated now. Far away. I've been walking for at least an hour, trying to find a car. At least I have everything I need. My bag, my gun in my pocket, and my large knife in my other pocket. I wish I had Kal's shirt. He smells so nice. I just love his grey short sleeve shirt that exposes his white tan skin and muscles. And his jeans, boy do I wanna take those off of him.

I see a car. It doesn't look damaged, barely. I hope it still works. I get inside it and I start the engine. I hear it starting.

"Come on, come on!" I say.

And it starts. It works. Yes! I start to drive.

I'm so tired. I feel like I haven't slept in forever. It's getting dark. I've been driving for a while now.

It's really dark out now. I start to doze off. I close my eyes. I bump into something and I hit my head on the car. At least I have a seat belt. I get out of the car to see what I hit.

A runner. All its guts are splattered in front of the car. I try to pull them off but their stuck. Gross. I wipe my hands on my jeans. Ugh. Disgusting.

I look around. What am I gonna do now. I put my hand on my fore head and take a deep breath in and out. I look in the distance. Is that...lights?

I see a building with lights. Is that the place they could be in? Maybe. I am close to it.

I walk towards the building. I grab my walkie-talkie and press the button and hold it by my mouth.

"Kal. I think I found the place. It isn't that far. Try not to doze off like I did though. I'm about to walk in. I would wait for you, but I really need to find out if this is the place or not."

I remove my finger from the button and put the walkie-talkie in my pants. Maybe they will take it from me. I want to hide it. It's the only thing I have to get a hold of Kal and to think of him.

It looks like I have a big butt. I don't.

I walk to the building and knock on the front glass doors. No one answers. I open it. It isn't locked.

I walk in. The doors close behind me. I see only a few people. About 15. I look around for familiar faces. They all stare at me nervously, with fear.

I walk up to a lady, "Are my parents here? Have you seen my parents?" I sound desperate.

She shakes her head.

None of them are here.

"How many people are there here?" I ask her.

"It's just us. Only 15. No one else." She says.

I get mad, furious.

"This is bullshit!" I yell.

"Hey!" Yells a man.

He runs up to me. I grab my gun out of my pocket. I'm ready to shoot him but he tackles me. I drop my gun. Another man takes my gun. The man who tackled me has a beard. His breath stinks.

He pulls me up so I stand. They take my knife and my bag. They don't see my walkie-talkie. I laugh. Thank God my tank top is long enough to cover it in my pants. So they won't tell by the shape of it.

"She's infected!" Yells a lady.

The man touches the stitches on my cheek. I groan.

"Get your hands off of me!" I yell.

"Take her into one of the rooms. One with no window." Says the man with the beard.

"What?!" I scream.

About 5 guys comes to me and hold my arms back and walk me over to this one door.

"Let go of me!" I yell and struggle, trying to release my hands and get out of their grip.

They open the door and push me in there. I turn around but the door slams right away and they lock it from the outside.

"No!" I yell.

"You better let me out of here right now!"

GoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora