Chapter 4

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We walk through the woods for a couple minutes.

"So, where are we going exactly?" He asks me.

"To the city. Not that far."

"Okay. You know, uh... I just think you're pretty and I was wondering if maybe..."

"Shh!" I whisper.


"Be quiet!"

We both stop walking.

"Oh, thought I heard something." I say. We continue to walk.

"So..." He continues.

I hear it again.


We stop walking again.

And there it is, a sudden howl.

"Wolves." I say.

A wolf pops out of a bush and stands about ten feet away from us. It growls. It's eyes are all black and gone, leaving no color. It's teeth are yellow with blood stains and druel dripping out of its mouth. It looks infected.

"Run!" I yell.

I sprint through trees and branches, letting them cut me and leave me with scratches. All over my arms. Just like a paper cut. I move branches out of my way as I run. I don't know where Tyler is. I don't care if he's way behind me. I care about myself, and only myself. I run very fast, trying to catch my breath. I hear their howls behind me. There's not just one, but a whole pack I believe. I keep running. Nothing is stopping me. I hear a voice. A screech. A yell.

"Help! Teressa!" Yells a boy.

It's Tyler.

I stop running. I stand. Looking at the city that's not that far from me. I can make it. I can just run, leaving him behind. But I can't do that. I can't leave someone's blood on my hands and feel guilt. I run in the other direction, backwards, towards the scream.


I'm getting closer. I run and I run fast. My legs fling off the ground quickly.

I see him. He's on the ground by a tree and a wolf is on top of him. Tyler is holding a log in his hands and the wolf is biting it.

"Teressa!" He yells again. The wolf bites viciously at the log. It's starting to get shorter and shorter the more his teeth dig into it.

I don't want to waste a bullet and have more wolves running after us. I look around. My heart races. I see a big log like the one Tyler's holding. I pick it up with both arms. I run up to the wolf and I swing the log behind my back with both arms and swing it forward like a base ball bat and it plunged the wolf and sends it flying off of him. I grab Tyler's hand and help him up quickly. I drop the log. The wolf gets up and looks at us growling again.

"Let's go!" I yell. I hold onto his arm and we run...together. We sprint as fast as we can. He's a bit slower than me and I'm afraid from dragging him with my arm, he'll fall face forward and smack his face onto the dirt. But we make it. We make it out of the woods, safely. I stop running. We stand on a hill and down below us is the city. I can see part of the whole city from here. All torn up and completely destroyed. Barely anything left but busted buildings and cars crashed into each other.

I turn and look at Tyler, who's holding his arm. Is he bleeding?

"Why did you save me? Why did you come back for me? You could of made it." He says sadly. Tears are in his eyes.

I look at him confused. "I didn't want to leave you behind. I wouldn't feel right anymore."

"Well you should of." He holds out his arm.

"Oh my gosh. Tyler, you're bleeding!"

"Not just that...I'm bitten. I'm infected. One of the dogs got me."

I hold my hand on my mouth. I stare at him. My eyes widen as I see the color in his eyes change to dark black. Nothing but black.

He cracks his head to the side. He's in pain.

"Tyler!" I yell.

He falls to the floor, screaming and crying in pain. I can still hear his voice until it slowly turns into a monster's growl.

He lays still. Doesn't move an inch.


He jerks up and crawls toward me. His skin is all green and nasty. His teeth are rotten. And his brain now belongs to a monsters'.

"Tyler." I say under my breath. I get tears in my eyes.

He slowly crawls towards me. Looking all creepy. Like a spider trying to catch its prey.

"Tyler please." I say. I reach out my gun slowly.

He growls. And he gets up, stands on his two feet and runs straight towards me. He jumps in mid air and I shoot him straight in he head and he falls to the floor. I cry. Tears. Tears falling down my cheeks. I killed him. No. Not him. Not Tyler. I killed the thing living inside him, but that also killed Tyler. That is something I never want to witness again. Now that I think about's going to be a long journey. I'm gonna have to see things I don't want to see.

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