Chapter 2

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I wake up again. I sit up. I'm not strapped down this time. I look to my left and the doctor is there again.

"What did you shoot me with?" I snap.

"Just something that will put you to sleep."

"How long?"

"About 15 minutes."


"We didn't want you to go to far."

"I know that. But why can't you just let me go!"

"We need you for tests. And we won't let anyone leave. It's too dangerous, we don't want them getting hurt."

"Well you can't control me. You should let me leave if I want to."

"Well sorry, but you wouldn't be able to survive out there."

I shake my head.

"You saw the city, it's too dangerous."

"What's so dangerous?! Nothing is out there except these monsters you've been talking about! Wait, where is everybody?"

"They all left. Everyone in the city drove away when all this stuff was happening."

"Why can't we just leave? We can go find everybody."

"We don't want to risk our lives."

"Whatever. I'm sure we can survive out there."

It gets quiet for a couple minutes.

"Well, would you like to go eat?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Alright, the cafeteria is right down the hall to the right."

"Okay." I get up and leave the room. I walk down the hallway. It's a long hallway. There's many other rooms in the hallway. I wonder if there's other people like me here. Maybe not infected people, but others who were rescued. I turn right.

Wow. This cafeteria is huge. A lot of people are here. They are all wearing blue clothes, they must be patients like me. I look at my clothes for the first time. Blue like theirs. I get my food at the salad bar. I sit down at a table alone. I eat and sit in silence. I don't want to talk to anybody. I don't care about anybody. I just need to get out of here, no matter what.

"Hey." A boy sits in front of me at my table.

"Hi." I say.

He looks all nervous. His short blonde hair with bangs hanging over the left side of his face, covering his brown eyes. His hands are shaking. I stare at them.

" you know what's going on? Like, why they won't let us leave?" He asks me.

"No. They just told me it's too dangerous."

"Yeah, they told me that too. I think they are hiding something from us."


"So you don't know anything else?"


"Okay. Tell me if you find out anything."

"Okay." He leaves and sits at a long table with a lot of patients. About twelve at the table.

I'm done eating. I get up and throw out my food. I walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror above the three sinks. I see it. My scratch. It's on my cheek right below my right eye. There's stitches in it. My long straight brown hair is down. My bangs are beside the right side of my face. My hair is over my shoulders. It's so long. A girl comes out of a stall. I look at her in the mirror.

Her hair is longer than mine. Down to her butt. She pushes it out of her face. Long and bright red. Her bangs are long, just above her eyebrows. She has blue eyes. She washes her hands and leaves without saying a word. Just like me.

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