Chapter 11

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I walk back to the car. Wiping away my tears so Kal can't see. I put my hand on the door handle and before I open it, I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Don't let him see you this way. Show him how strong you are.

I open the door and sit down next to him in the passenger's seat.

His eyes are open and he's looking at the car ceiling.

"Your wide awake." I say.

"You know you can sleep in the back, lay down. It's more comfortable."

"I'm fine. But thanks."

"I need some fresh air." He says.

He opens the car window on the ceiling. I can see the stars in the night sky. Glowing. Shining brightly.

"Beautiful." I say.

"Just like you." He says.

My eyes widen and I look at him.

"What? I can't flirt now a days?"

I smirk. "Not saying you can't."

"We are so pathetic."


"Look at the stars. All of us are the stars. Every single person is a star up there. Every person in this world. We are pathetic, and hopeless. And the runners are the sky. The ones who are bigger, stronger. They defeat us. Make us pathetic." He says shaking his head.

I think about that. I stare at the stars. I look at him.

"But we can't let that happen. We can be stronger than them." I say.

"Yeah, but who knows...when is this gonna end? How is it gonna end?"

"I don't know. But we'll find a way."

I can tell he's hurt. I move my hand slowly toward his and place mine on his gently and carefully.

He doesn't look at me. He just closes his eyes. I look up at the stars, and slowly close mine too. And I feel his grip. His hand tightly squeezes my hand. It hurts a little bit. But I let him.

I slowly open my eyes. I don't see the stars anymore. Just a sunny bright blue sky and clouds. I still feel his hand. I look at him. Sound asleep. He's so cute asleep. I smile.

He wakes up and his eyes are black. He growls and jerks up quickly. I move my hand fast away from him. My heart races. He growls more. He's a runner now. He moves his arms toward me and bites my shoulder. Pain! So much pain! I scream!

I wake up and jump in the seat. Just a dream. Just a bad dream. I breathe deeply, trying to catch my breath. I'm so scared.

"Woah woah woah." Says Kal. He touches my shoulder with his hand, warm. Trying to comfort me.

"What's wrong? Bad dream?"

I nod and calm down. I place my hands on my forehead and lay my elbows on my lap. I breathe slower.

"I get them too. What was it?"

"Nothing. It was nothing." I remove my hands, sit up straight, and look at him.

"You were in it." I say.

"What, was I a runner?" He says laughing.

I don't laugh.

"Yes." I say.

He starts to drive.

"The x is somewhere over here. Spray painted on a brick wall on a store."

We drive up to a store. I see it. A big red x mark. I get out of the car. I walk up to it. I stand face to face with it.

"I finally found you." I whisper.

My destination. I touch it with my finger. I look at my finger. Old. Not new. Good. I look down and notice I'm stepping on something. I remove my foot and pick up a map on the ground. I look at it.

It shows a giant red x mark drawn in red pen on a place in Florida. It's out of the city. Not too far from here. At least it's still in Florida. At least I'm near it. I bring it with me and go back in Kal's car.

"I found a map. It shows where they are." I point to the red x mark on the map.

"Good. That's good."

"Yeah." I stare at it. I can't believe it.

I look into Kal's eyes. He's staring at me. We stare into each others eyes.

"Thanks. For everything. I really can use your help. So thanks. So much." I say.

"No problem. And thank you, for letting me know where my sister is." He says.

We smile at each other.

"No problem." I say.

I blush. Quit blushing!

"You know, I thought there would be some shitty people I would run into, and I have, but...not you." He says. His eyes sparkle. So beautiful.

"Same." I say.

We stare. And stare. For a while. And then it gets awkward and I feel a bit uncomfortable and start to look away but he still stares. And then he finally jerks out of his daze and starts to drive.

"We are going to my uncle's. He has a lot of weapons we can use."

"Okay." I say. I lay back and put my feet up. I rest them on the hood of his car.

"Get your feet down. Your still in my car." He says.

"Oh, sorry." I put them down quickly, feeling bad I made him mad.

"I'm just joking, I don't care what you do to my car." He laughs.

I giggle and put them back up. I start to doze off and fall asleep.

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