Chapter 6

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I walk inside my house. Everything looks the same. Nothing is damaged. I walk into my room. I grab my black book bag I used to carry to school. I pack some clothes in it and left over bottles of water. I see money on my table. That doesn't even matter now. I grab a hair band on my desk. I put my hair back and let some of my bangs hang down beside my face.

I walk into my mom and dad's room. I don't even want to look in my sisters room. I see something on my mother's desk. A letter. A letter from Westwood College. The college I wanted to go to. I open the letter. I got accepted. She must of been waiting to give it to me for a surprise. I would be excited, but when is the time gonna come when I can ever feel happy, excited, or normal again? Never I believe.

I walk back down stairs and look in the back yard. There's no way my dog is still alive right now. I feel something licking my feet. Something wet, and dry. I turn around. Max.

"Max!" I yell.

I kneel down and hug him. I look at him. His face, he looks so old. He's so skinny. I see his ribs. He's probably thirsty. I walk up to the sink and grab a bowl I turn on the sink but no water comes out. I look at my dog. He's so desperate. Should I help him? He's just a dog. But he's more than a dog to me. He's my best friend. I was never good at making friends, but he was easy. The only one I could talk to. I reach into my bag and pull out a bottle of water. I pour all the water inside of it into the bowl and set it on the floor. Max runs over to it and drinks it all in one second. Wow. He's probably hungry too. I check the pantry where his dog food is but none is in there.

"Well boy, we're gonna have to go get some." I say.

We leave the house and he follows me. He doesn't need a leash. I get in the car and Max sits in the passenger's seat next to me. I pet him. I missed him so much. I drive.

I drive up to a store.

"Stay in here boy. I'll be back in a few." I say. I get out of the car and shut the door. I walk in the store with my book bag on my back and my gun in my back pocket. I look on all the shelves. There's barely any food left, anywhere. I see dog food. Yes! I grab one huge bag. This should be enough for a while. It's so heavy. I put the bag in the back seat. I get back in the car and I feed him. He attacks the bowl of food. He licks me after. That's the way his tongue is supposed to feel like, slobbery, not dry.

I start the car again. I press the pedal and we drive off.

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