18- cat fight

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Like every morning, I wake up, run to the toilet to throw up, Peeta runs after me to hold me hair back, and that's how I start the day. It's like a routine.

"Peeta you don't have to get up with me every time" I moan as I wash off.

"I know" he simply says. "I just worry a lot, and I'll only stop worrying once I know your okay."

Today I am 4 months pregnant, so we decided to have a film day in the front room, together. Stay in our Pjs all day and relax.
It's about three in the afternoon now. Peeta has dozed off with me still in his arms. He looks so peaceful. I pause the show we were watching as I don't want him to miss it. That's a great wife right there.

That's when I here a loud screech from our garden. I sit straight up to listen again. What is that? I gently move Peetas arm to let go of me to see what the noise is. I look out the window and that's when I see Buttercup fighting with another cat, although he is not winning.

"go away you stupid cat!" I quickly unlock the back door to shoo away the cat. He runs at the sight of me.

I look down at Buttercup who lays on the floor, covered in blood.

"No" I examine him and see deep puncture wounds. Immediately I burst into tears. I can't believe I'm crying over a cat, especially one as ugly as this. But this was Prims cat, and I'm not going to let him die.

"Peeta" I call in desperation. I run inside to get a towel, and lift his lifeless looking body.

"Peeta quick" he wakes with a start and makes his way over to me. he sees buttercup, I swear I see the colour immediately drain from his face. He loves that cat.

"Peeta another cat attacked him, we need to take him to the vet!" He nods in response- we make our way quickly to the car.

District 12 doesn't have an official veterinarian, but we have Reed. She's a local who is actually a trained doctor, but she has some training with animals, and puts her medical knowledge to use on animals. We've never actually met her before, We've never needed to, until now.

We knock on her door loudly and she answers almost immediately.

"Please help" I beg "he was attacked by another cat 15 minutes ago". She nods and takes buttercup out my hands.

I hope he's okay.

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