1-The beginning

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It's been three years; three years since the world changed for good and for worse. The good being that the games ended, snow no longer reigning over Panem and instead Paylor. The bad being I lost my sister.

I still wake up every single night, screaming from the nightmares of her to run. But she never runs. She's blown to bits every single time. I miss her.

I would be dead by now if it weren't for Peeta. I would have drowned myself or starved myself, which I still want to do. As soon as I do that I can be with Prim. But Peeta soon coaxes me to eat something.

Im the reasons for so many people's death, even Finnicks, who never got to meet his son. I'm responsible for so much and I should not be here.

Peeta still has his flashbacks now and then, but he can calm from them a lot quicker then he used to.

The only reason I am here is for Peeta. I do know he relies on me to calm him down from a flashback. And he has no one else, no family. And  I'm responsible for that. So the least I can do is stay here with him, otherwise he would have no one. So I have now put my ending my life thoughts on hold.

I look over at Peeta, his bright blue eyes looking at his stew. I see him smile slightly.

"What I ask him?" With slight laughter myself. I love to see Peeta smile, his bright white teeth and rosy cheeks. I love to see him happy.

He looks up at me, stares at me. "We made it." He finally gets out with a happy expression. He takes my hand in his, making an electrifying feeling inside me.

I look at every inch of Peeta, who is so perfect. His golden blonde tufts of hair falling on his forehead, his muscular arms which I always feel wrap around me, his jawline; oh so perfect.

"We made it." I reply.

Authors note: thank you for reading the first chapter of my new book :) this is only a short one but this is because it's an introduction, much more chapters to come!! I have so many ideas for this story and I hope you stick around. Thank you for reading the first chapter! <3 xxx

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