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Peeta and I sit before the fire, bread on rod. We are about to start the district 12 tradition of toasting bread. We haven't changed from the wedding: I still wear my beautiful white gown. I've never been a one for pretty dresses, but I don't want to take it off. We've created so many memories today. Ones I will treasure forever. I lean my head on the crook of Peeta's neck.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod and he hands me the rod. I guide the bread to the fire with Peeta's strong hands clasped around my own. We rest and watch the bread turn to toast in the heat of the flames. "Peeta your speech was so beautiful." I lift my head gently to see the smile on his face. We are now both so happy. "Not as beautiful as yours." We stay silent for a while, just happy to be with each other only. This is all I need.

Before I met this boy I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason. Now I do.

I hear a meow and an ugly cat join us, but I let it slide. He sits himself in the small gap between us, settles down and lets out small purring noises. Just like he used to do when he was with prim.

Our toast is ready and we pull it out of the flames it is immersed in. Peeta unwraps his strong arms from around me and deals with the bread. He tears it in half; passes one half to me. We munch on our toast. "I never thought this day would come." I start "I never planned this, any of this. I wanted to run away before the games. Even though what we have been through was just filled with excruciating pain, I wouldn't change it for this outcome." I look up and peeta who is staring at me, smiling from ear to ear. "I just want to make you happy. Because your the reason I'm so happy." I see tears fall from them beautiful blue eyes of his, his ocean leading to a small waterfall.
"You tired?" I hear a soft gentle voice say. I open my heavy eyelids and look up to see Peeta staring down at me; a gentle smile plastered on his face. I nod my head as I feel myself lifted into the air. We travel through the house until my head finds the soft pillow. I sink into the bed, feeling as light as a feather. Peeta lays beside me and we stare for a while at each other. Eventually, I cannot bare the distance between us any longer, no matter how small that is. I need that touch from the one. I crawl right next to peeta. His arms wrap around me, the arms that have protected me from my nightmares and horrors that occur. I rest my head on his bare chest.

"I just wanna lay next to you,and listen to the beat of your heart. I just wanna close my eyes and fall asleep in your arms.I just wanna feel you.
And forget the rest of the world"

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