9-Opening day

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Katniss POV

Today is a big day for Peeta; he is opening the bakery alongside his friend Rusk. After the wedding they have both been hard at work to reopen the place after it was destroyed with his family. Now they will finally open.

I am awoken very suddenly to the bright light beaming through the window. The quilt is whipped off of me and I am dragged out of bed by Peeta himself. "Peetaaaa!" I moan as he chuckled to himself. "Peeta have you seen the time, the opening isn't until 8 o'clock yet your making me wake up at 5:30!" He smirks. "I know I know, but I want to make sure I'm ready for this, I'm so nervous!" I pull him in for a cuddle and a kiss, which turn into a long passionate one. Suddenly I pull away from him, which causes his face to turn shocked.

"What was that for!" He demands pretending to be angry, but the smile on his face is hard to miss. "Well I thought you said we were going to be late even though we still have 2 and a half hours!" I tease. He sighs before picking me up with his arms wrapped around my waist. I scream to get away but he kisses me over and over.

Eventually I manage to get him off me.
A few hours later I am waiting downstairs for Peeta. I look at the clock and see we should have left. "Where is he?" I think to myself. That's when the front door opens knocking me to the floor. "Katniss come on I've been waiting outside for 10 minutes where are you...what are you doing on the floor?" I stand up and wipe down my clothes. "I thought you were still upstairs; I was here the whole time." I argue as I exit the door.

We walk hand in hand to the bakery; I can see in Peeta's face that he is so happy for the bakery to be open. I haven't even seen the bakery yet as peeta wanted it to be a surprise.

We arrive and a small percentage of the population of 12 is gathered around waiting for peeta to open up the doors for the first time. I look around and see a few familiar faces I knew of before the war.

Peeta meets Rusk and they shake hands before turning to the crowd to thank them for coming, and what an honour it is to open up the family shop. I smile and admire my boy with bread. How far he's come is just amazing. I love him so much.

"Katniss, come here!" Peeta calls. Confused, I walk over to Peeta and he passes me scissors. I realise he wants be to cut the red ribbon confirming the opening of Mellark bakery. "Oh Peeta, no you did all the work you open it." He just smiles. "Do it together then?" And I agree. I hold the scissors with Peeta's hands around mine. He snip the ribbon and the small crowd cheers.

Peeta and I walk through the door but peeta and Rusk both rush of to talk and welcome customers. This gives me a moment to admire the place myself. I see what Peeta has done to the place and it's so beautiful. On the wall behind the counter he has painted a lovely sunset. Around the whole shop are photos of his family back when he was a child hangs up to honour their memory; mainly photos of his father. I walk up to these photos to take a closer look. I've never seen a picture of the Mellarks when Peeta was small. I think the memories cause too much hurt.

The photo I look at now is only of Peeta and his father, hand in hand. At the time, peeta looks to be only 6 years old. They are walking down the street both laughing. They look so happy, father and son. Maybe someday I can give Peeta this joy of a son.

"You like it?" I hear a voice behind me is. I turn and see Peeta with his golden curls already with flour in them. "Oh Peeta!" I say and hug him burying my head in his chest. "Peeta it's perfect, your family would be so proud." He just smiles. I can tell he's so happy. I look around and pull away from the hug seeing all the customers around. "I won't stop you from your work"

I just know one day, he's going to make an amazing father just like his was to him.

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