Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since I read the contract, and I don't have the courage to ask Mew; he also doesn't tell me about his problems.

"Mew." I knocked on his office.

"Yes?" He looked at me. I was stunned by him because he was wearing sunglasses, and my husband was holding a hot ball pen.

"Do you have a problem with the Office?" I asked, I didn't want him to be surprised by the question.

"Nothing honey Office is fine." He said, and back to what he was doing, I just shook my head and then left the office.

I feel that he has something in me as if he is hiding something. I also don't understand myself because I suspect that it may be true that until now he is cheating on me, but I don't care because I trust Mew that he will never do that again.

Ever since I asked him about the office he was busy of everything came to the point that even though we have family day he has no time I always tell my two children that daddy is busy but deep inside I am hurt by his actions every night because he comes home he was drunk and he always apologized to me but he didn't say what his fault was.

Until I could no longer control what he was doing while we were asleep, I noticed that there was already a message on his phone, and I knew that this was the only way to stop my madness.

When I looked at his cell phone I noticed that he had a conversation with Prem, I wondered why he was talking to Prem, for me there was no problem because they were both friends but prem said in the message.

"Sir, You need to go she's here."

And his reply.

"Don't let her in; don't let her into the office. Just tell her to wait outside the building."

Suddenly my hand went numb I couldn't breathe when I suddenly cried is this true Mew still cheating me, I can't believe what he's doing I don't think he was with someone.

I need to talk to Prem so that he can tell me the truth. I won't be fooled because I don't want to be miserable.

I was at the starbucks. I saw Prem waiting for someone, and that's me. I rose my hand to see me, and he stood up to greet me.

"Who is my husband talking to in the office." Before he spoke, he was shocked by my question.

"Gulf, stop it." He said, while looking at the people inside of the starbucks.

"I'm a serious Prem. You know me when I'm angry. Now tell me?" I beg him, and he was scared of my dead stares.

"Ok fine, I will tell you, but please let me explain everything I know for sure mew gonna be angry with me."

"How secret is that and why should you be like this, prem tell me I'm going crazy!" I was in tears and at the same time nervous to hear him.

"Sir Mew, ex secretary, and she came back to tell him that she's pregnant, and the father is Mew....


"Yes, that's my reaction to ..."

"I want to talk to that girl, contact her." I said it with fierce on my eyes.

"Gulf, she's pregnant." He warmed me.

"So what?! I don't care, I just wanted to talk to her, not hurt her unless she said something awful to me." I know that I never do that, I know mew he never does that and I trust him.

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