Episode 35: The Devil Trigger

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The clash between the two titans continues to clash but Akio is pulling out everything that he has to take down the antagonist. After every single blow Akio takes, he always keeps Demigra in an endless loop of attacks without giving time for him to recover. Shido and the others are watching as the painful anticipation and anxiety rises within them as they watch Akio dominate the fight.

Shido: I think it's time.. He plans to end this in one shot.

Kotori: Yeah, he looks ready for the final blow..

Akio is zooming towards him making Demigra be shocked at the sudden approach but then responds and does the same. Demigra screams but Akio is dead silent. They clash and Demigra is trying to hit him but his Ultra Instinct allows him to dodge every single blow Demigra throws at him. For a split second, His eyes go from Ultra Instinct to normal. He lets out a roar making his pupils disappear and the divine aura explodes and bursts. Akio becomes a light blitzing across Demigra from left right and center. He strikes downwards, making Demigra soar down to the ground. Akio vanishes and double kicks him upwards then flies up to the side of him to punch him away. As Demigra soars away, Akio punches him in the gut making him spit blood while groaning. Akio ping pongs Demigra over and over again with his attacks and rushes. Everyone is looking up and are shocked at what they see in the sky. Akio does a gesture with his hands and fuses both white blasts into his palms.

Tohka: He's gonna do it!

Origami: The final blow!

Everyone looks at what they see and they are very serious and they start sweating. Akio roars again as he lands the final blast point blank into Demigra's body as it consumes him and explodes. As the blast subsides, Demigra is screaming as he falls to the ground.

Shido: HE'S NOT DEAD?!

Akio lunges up one final punch for Demigra and he goes soaring downwards at an ungodly speed.

Demigra: DAMN IT!!!!!

Akio strikes and smoke comes up from the impact. They are both concealed in the dust so everyone else couldn't see. Everyone was looking with shocked looks on their faces.

Yoshinon: Did he get him?!

There was silence as the smoke settled. Demigra's frown from before turns into a smile. Akio had run out of time in Mastered Ultra Instinct and was back to his base form with a desperate and shocked look on his face. Demigra had taken his punch but wasn't affected by it. Everyone is shocked and scared.

Shido: Oh no!

Tohka: I-It can't be!

Kotori: H-His form is gone?!

Kurumi: Ara. Time is running out..

Demigra punches him in the stomach and Akio screams in pain because of the impact and his body not being used to Ultra Instinct after it's gone. He goes flying and slides on the ground into a mountain. Demigra teleports to where he was and traps him in his Seasoning Arrow, paralyzing him. Akio is in pain as he's stuck in the move.

Demigra: The timing couldn't be more appropriate. Now you're going to suffer for your extreme blasphemy towards me and the gods!

Demigra kicks him in the face and he goes flying to the other side of the land. Akio coughs up blood as he's on the ground and gets up barely having any energy to stand.

Shido: At this point, it's do or die..

Miku: Everyone, hit him with all the cards on the table! Gabriel!!

Miku calls for Gabriel and uses Requiem while raising her hand forward and fires huge blasts from her angel.

Natsumi: Haniel!!

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