Episode 22: Date A Bullet II

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The scene starts off the same with Sawa and Kurumi in the classroom and with Kurumi and the others about to fight each other. Kurumi points her gun at Tsuan while Isami and Yui watch her.

Isami: Where's Doll Master?

Kurumi: She ran away. You can go after her if you want.

Isami: Well, I'm not exactly in the mood for a chase.

Kurumi: Heh. Then feel free to do what you want.

They all look at each other getting ready to fight. Tsuan makes the first move running towards Kurumi and swings her weapon at her. She misses Kurumi and swings at her again but Kurumi shoots her weapon to make her fall back. Isami goes in to slice her but misses. She swings her katana at Kurumi again but she parries it with her guns and shoots her katana. Yui comes in with her weapons and tries to hit Kurumi as she dodges her blows. Yui finds an opening and strikes but Kurumi blocks with her gun and shoots with the other. Yui recovers and strikes again.

Kurumi: Aleph.

Kurumi shoots herself in the head with an invisible bullet and moves away from Yui. Isami and Tsuan both clash their weapons as they fight. Kurumi is about to move in but then someone yanks her dress as she moves in. She turns around and points her gun at Hibiki.

Hibiki: It's me Hibiki! Could you not shoot me please?!

Kurumi looks at her with a bored expression on her face.

Kurumi: So you were alive? That's good... I suppose?

Hibiki: Of course it is!

Hibiki turns around and sees Yui about to attack Kurumi.

Hibiki: Kurumi!

She turns around and sees Yui throw one of her sharp weapons. She catches it with her gun before it hits Hibiki and shoots at Yui in the shoulder. She falls back and catches herself but holds her shoulder. Kurumi keeps shooting at her and she keeps dodging the bullets. She throws a smoke bomb to blind them all as she runs out the building. Tsuan swings her weapon at Isami and she goes flying into the air and down to the ground. Tsuan looks at Kurumi pointing her gun at her and Hibiki. She looks at both of them for a second but then back at Isami.

Kurumi: Why aren't you guarding up?

She shakes her head and Kurumi's eyes widen.

Tsuan: I want the last fight between you and me.

She smiles at her while she is talking while Kurumi has a bored expression on her face.

Kurumi: Ah..

Isami gets up and fights her again. Kurumi looks at them with a confused/shocked face.

Hibiki: How about we go somewhere else for the time being?

Kurumi: Yes.

Hibiki opens the door to a classroom and they both go in.

Hibiki: This class is empty.

Kurumi: Was it full before?

Hibiki: It used to be full of Quasi-Spirits.

Kurumi touches one of the desks almost as if she felt nostalgia.

Kurumi: Is that so?

Hibiki: ...Does it remind you of someone?

Kurumi gets flustered.

Kurumi: That's..

Hibiki: Hmmm.?

She looks at Kurumi making a humming sound. Kurumi closes her eyes.

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