Episode 6: Duo

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*DBZ Kakarot A Sad Moment OST plays*

Shido is running towards the DEM Building in Tengu City in a hurry with some scars on his clothes with Sandalphon in his hands but is bombarded by robots that are not stronger because of the Spirit energy that they somehow obtained while fighting the others making him struggle but he prevails in the end. The streets are empty and the monitors on city buildings are blank as well. The static screen transforms into Ellen speaking down on him.

Ellen: It seems like you're doing well, Itsuka, however, I can't say the same about the Spirits.

Shido: You bastards! What did you do to them?! What did they do to you?!

Ellen: In that state, you think you have the right to ask me what our business is with them?

As Ellen is talking, it shows Kotori getting forcefully dragged into a glass chamber with her mouth taped in her Astral Dress, Kaguya and Yuzuru getting electrocuted, Yoshino Origami Miku and Natsumi getting carried through scanners passed out, and Tohka stuck on a carrier in her Astral Dress forcefully chained and stuck and trying to move.

Ellen: I can't believe you've known about these things for this long and still don't know how dangerous they can be. Spirits are the reason that things are the way they are in this world. You and Ratatoskr are trying to redeem them but one slip up and they're unstable energy reeks havoc once again.

Shido: Don't give me that!! I won't let you take them away!!!

Ike comes in on the call.

Ike: Well then, if you really think you can then come and take them back. But spoilers, you won't.

The screens go back to static in the city.

*Music cuts*

Shido: Damn them! DAMN THEM! I swear they'll get what's coming to them!

???: Ara. ara. You seem to be pretty upset right now, Shido.

*Kurumi's Theme plays*

Shido turns to a dark alleyway and sees a familiar figure walking towards him.

Shido: Kurumi..

Kurumi: It seems you're in a bad situation.

Shido: Yeah. It's really bad.

Kurumi: I came to see what all the noise was about not too long ago and to find out it's the DEM again..

Shido: Tch! I'll make them regret their decision!

Kurumi: Is that so..?

Shido: It's definitely so.. But I have to ask.. Are you here to help me out?

Kurumi: You can say that.. I realized something about the DEM's goals.

Shido: Eh?

Kurumi: If they keep going after us Spirits for our power to make this world a better place, it's almost guaranteed to fail. Knowing about their history, power like that can drive them completely insane. When that time comes, they won't just be a danger to us, but the entire world.

Shido: ...You're right.

Kurumi: And I can't have people like that interfering with my plans with you Shido.

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