Episode 15: The Fallout

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*DAL Rio Reincarnation Morning OST plays*

A new day approaches in Tengu City and another day for Akio and Shido to hang out again, this time, Shido decides to take Akio to a sporting event that Origami is attending.

Akio: Ah, so this is for her?

Shido: Yeah. I figured we would show up to something like this since we usually spend most of our time hanging out with each other and I know that someone is dying to see all of them as well.

Hiroto is seen behind Akio tensed up and ready to see them perform.

Hiroto: Alright Itsuka! Let's go feast our eyes on paradise!

Shido: Yeah. Yeah. Let's go see Origami..

The three of them head to the gym and sit down as the girls prepare to start.

*DAL Rio Reincarnation OST Report plays* 

Hiroto: Oh, it's already starting! Our class is up for scrimmage! Hey look, Itsuka! Ahhh! Their shorts are great! Shorts like that are a healthy male's romance! Rather, it's their muse! No! The ultimate gift!

Shido: Don't you ever think about anything else> It's the same thing with you.

Hiroto: But I mean, look! Look at Tobiichi's shorts! Not even the ultimate master can copy that! That is crazy!

Shido: What are you comparing her with?

Hiroto: Now, now! Let's cheer her on! GOOOO! Go fight, win! SHORTS!! Go fight, win! SHORTS!

Shido: You know, you're playing hooky. The least you can do is cheer them on..

Hiroto: Don't be such a stiff Itsuka! My cheering will get them pumped! Alright! GO! GO! GO!

Shido: Geez..

Hiroto: Huh? Why isn't she on offense? She keeps going to pick up the ball?

Akio: Probably she's a Libero.

Hiroto: Libero? Like in soccer?

Shido: You really don't know?

Hiroto: Of course! I only look at bloomers during volleyball.

Shido: That's not something to be proud of! There's a position called Libero in volleyball and this role is an expert in defense and they don't attack.

Akio: Yeah.

Hiroto: Hm. What a lame role. Well, as long as I can admire their shorts, I don't care what it is! Let's go short! Fight, shorts!

Akio: Based.

Shido: Maybe it was a mistake bringing him along with us..

Guy Student A: Yo, Tonomachi! You're really into this man!

Hiroto: Yeah! Of course! Erotic things are the source of my power!

Guy Student B: I see. That's nice. Someone on the soccer team was injured, so I've been looking for a replacement.

Hiroto: Eh?

Guy Student A: Can I take him Itsuka?

Shido: Yeah. Go ahead.

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