Episode 29: Transcending Beyond Doubt

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After some time passes in the Secret Time Chamber, Mana and Origami have been training Natsumi Mayuri and Miku to become better fighters by teaching them the overall basics of fighting. As they are learning about the basics of combat, Miku seems like she's having a hard time keeping up with them since she isn't really fond of this kind of thing.

Mana: Okay. I think that's enough for now.

Origami: Yes. We're getting tired as well.

They all sit down on the ground from exhaustion and pant. Miku seems to be having it harder than anyone else. Mayuri gets a little concerned.

Mayuri: Are you okay, Miku-san?

Natsumi: You look like you've been through better days..

Miku: Ah... This is a new experience and I haven't been really getting into it.

Kaguya and Yuzuru both descend down to the ground and relax for a little bit as well.

Kaguya: *Pant* *Pant* Yeah.. This is still a pain to get used to...

Yuzuru: Agreement. This is indeed not something anyone can do..

Miku: Ehhhh? You two too? I might have made a mistake doing this..

Origami: Eh? What do you mean?

*DAL Rio Reincarnation Theme 12 OST plays* 

Miku: I've already said this before, but I feel like this isn't my area of experience. This isn't very lady-like. All of the exchanging blows coming at you, the constant thrill, and the fact that it objectively hurts to fight if you get hit. It just doesn't seem cut out for me, an idol such as myself. I would much rather be dancing and singing right now..

Yuzuru: Response. Have you forgotten what Yuzuru said earlier?

Miku: Eh?

Origami: I understand where you're coming from Miku-san. It's only natural to feel this way along with the fact that you are indeed passionate about your concerts that you perform at.

Miku: Yeah.. That was easier to do than this.. I may have these powers but even when we are in the middle of battle, I don't really do that much with it. I just use my voice to defend you all. I don't fight like you all do so.. I feel like training with you all would be a waste so I'd rather be on the sidelines.

Tohka lifts herself from the ground alongside Kaguya and Yuzuru as they recall something in the past.

Kaguya: Wait a minute Miku.. Don't you remember that one time when you protected Tohka from Origami when she had her episode that one time?

Tohka: Yeah.. Kaguya told me that you fought with everything that you had to protect me while I was unconscious.. Don't get it twisted Miku.. You indeed have so much worth than being on the sidelines..

Natsumi: Y..Yeah. You even helped me learn how to accept myself for who I am. I think that's worth noting as well.

Mayuri: Really?

Tohka: Yeah! She has really helped us a lot!

Miku: You.. you really think so..? I still feel like I don't do enough for you all.

Everyone goes quiet and understands how Miku feels about training.

Origami: ...You may feel that way but here is what I would say about it. If you truly want to erase the guilt in your mind right now, you have to use the powers that you possess to make that change. You're allowed to think of reasons as to why we shouldn't fight and it does make sense but also keep in mind that I joined the AST because of what happened to my parents. I don't want something like that to happen to anyone else and I don't want that to happen to Shido either.

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