Episode 3: Devastator

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Time has passed once again and the one after the Spirits are now after the new traveler. They've come for his strength to assist their goals to hunt down the Spirits but proves that he's not someone to take lightly. The DEM recognizes this too but they also don't seem to be too worried as they have something else in mind..

Shido and Kotori with the whitehead band are walking in the store together buying some more things for the house. Shido and Kotori were talking to each other for a while when Shido saw a familiar person at the corner of his eye.

Kotori: What's wrong?

Shido: ...

Shido saw Ellen at the corner of his eye smiling like she knew something was going to happen in the city later on and walking out of the shop.

Shido: ...I'll explain later.

Kotori: Is that so..

Shido and Kotori make it home and Shido explains what happened to what he saw in the store.

Kotori: So, what did you see?

Shido: ...I saw Ellen when we were shopping..

Kotori: But, you saw Ellen last time when you were acting weird that day?

Shido: (Weird?) Y-Yeah but only this time she was smiling back at me like she knew something..

Reine: It seems like they are up to something again.. They're probably still going after the Spirits again..

Kotori: I knew things were getting too carefree around here..

Shido: But why would they try to do something now?

Kotori: Hm. I think it's because of the events that happened in the city the other day.

Shido: You mean when Akio was fighting those robots?

Reine: Yes. It is possible that they were watching the fight and due to the abnormal strength he displayed, it might have been a point where they realized they could make their move.

Kotori: I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.. We'll head back to Fraxi-

As Kotori was speaking, there was a knock on the door of the house. Tohka goes to open the door.

Tohka: Leave it to me!

She opened the door and there was no one there. Tohka looked confused as she looked left and right.

Tohka: Muu?

Then a random robot came out of nowhere and started firing lasers and bullets inside the house. Tohka screamed as the robot shot lasers convincing everyone to get down on the floor and cover themselves from the debris and destruction. Shido and Kotori were hiding under the table and Ms. Reine jumped behind the kitchen counter. Tohka calls for Sandalphon and reflects all the blasts with her sword and slices it in half and Shido kicks it out the house.

Tohka: Hmph! Serves you right!

Shido: Tohka! Are you okay?!

Tohka: Umu! Are you alright, Shido?

Shido: Yeah.. Just what was that?

Yoshino and the other girls came out from the Spirit Department to check on them.

Yoshino: I..Is everything alright?

Yoshinon: We heard Tohka-chan scream!

Kaguya: We heard loud noises too!

Yuzuru: Concern. Is anyone hurt?

Reine: I-I got shot..!

Everyone immediately turns around in shock and concern as they see Ms. Reine on the couch with a gunshot wound in her leg. Shido and everyone else run to Ms. Reine in worry.

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