Chapter 21: Just Chilling

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I did a Q&A and their were lot about Collins and Devan but I didn't care. I edited it and stuff. I started to get into Vine and make little edits for Collins. I don't know why but its really fun. it was kinda a secret account that not even Collins knows about. It was called @Keyperloves1, it was the only thing I could think at the time. I would make little edits all morning and I got 5 done. By time I know its 11, I got dress and headed down stairs. Devan was playing Video games and Collins was sleeping I think. I went to the back yard and laid on the grassed. I listen to my music, I got into this new song called "Neverland". Yes it's about Peter Pan. 

"Hey put sun screen on Kat," I turned around and it was Devan. "You'll get burn." He sat next to me and took my headphones out. 

"Hey, I wasn't even go to stay out that long, and you ruin my favorite song." I hit him. 

"Ow, must be that good huh?" He asked. 

"Yeah, it's called Neverland, it's about Peter Pan kinda." I said. 

"Let me listen." I give him a head piece. He nodded his head, "not bad." 

"NOT BAD?! It's amazing!" I ripped the head piece out of his ear. 

"Ow! Remind me not to mess with you and your music." He said. I laughed. 

"Got that right." I got up and went inside and went to my room. I texted Ricky and waited for a respond. He said responded.

Ricky: hey Kat
Me: wyd
Ricky: filming
Me: oh sorry
Ricky: it's fine, maybe we could do a COLLAB one day
Me: maybe
Ricky: well let me finish this video and I'll text you back
Me: kk
Maybe I should go bother Collins, hummmmm..... Nah, I'll let him get his beauty sleep. Lol.

Hey it's me. Sorry I haven't update In a while. Their not much I can add to this story (sorry this chapter is short) so it might end soon. Thanks for reading! Bye

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