Chapter 14: Back From the Dead

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Heyyyy I'm back again......hehe. I hope you enjoyed how the last chapter ended, and by that I mean, I hope you thought it was a sufficient way of ending the invasion chapters and that you thought that it was really well written. ANYWAYS, on to this chapter! Clearly one of my creative freedom chapters, but i literally spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to figure out the structure of the Boiling Rock LMFAO. BUT I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER OMG. And there is a twist in the end. . . . As usual, I hope you enjoy and happy reading!


|Back From the Dead|


He's gone now. 

Appa's tail becomes a dot in the fresh blue sky, free from the smog that the hulking airships spread. Through my tears, I still manage to notice the lone war balloon following Appa. Even though that's a matter that should cause alarm, a stretch of numbness passes over me. All I can do is hope that Azula or anyone of any threat isn't inside that war balloon. However, a moment of relief possesses me. Even if Aang is a target, he, along with everyone on Appa, is safer since I'm not traveling with them anymore.

My head is hot, boiling even, like I'm full of white rage. But that's not the case right now. It's just the misery building up inside my mind, playing on my bodily functions. I realize I've been staring at the sky for far too long; even the war balloon is gone now. I snap my head down, only to look at my hands, disappointed to find them shaking. 

This is ridiculous, I think to myself. I ram my palms against my eyes, suppressing my tears. Afterwards, with stinging and dry eyes, I curl both of my hands into fists to stop them from shaking. 

Individuals from the scattered invasion force start asking questions, pondering our next move. We know for certain that we're eventually going to be imprisoned, but it isn't exactly sane to turn yourself in, regardless if that was the original plan. 

"We'll just wait for them to come to us," Bato announces. "It'll give us some precious minutes for stalling." 

Bato's words don't age well. The distant sound of yelling comes in earshot. I turn around, locating the mob of Fire Nation soldiers running down the trail from the capital city. No one in the invasion force stirs. We all just wait to meet our inevitable fate. 

"Do you surrender?" one of soldiers calls out. He's a stocky man with a compressed figure, sporting a graying goatee. He's easily unforgettable. 

Hakoda and Bato exchange looks. They both step up, Hakoda leaning onto Bato for support. "Yes. We willingly surrender."

"Where's the Avatar?" the soldier asks, glaring at Hakoda. Hakoda doesn't reply, earning a scoff from the soldier. 

Standing by the ill-tempered man is a female soldier, one I vaguely recognize. I catch the abundance of soot covering her clothes and face, and I realize she's the soldier that blew up the launcher in the battlement Hakoda and I dealt with. I keep staring at her, waiting for her to catch my eye. She does so, and her eyes widen. She points at me. "She was with him! They blew up the battlement I was in." She looks at the soldier. "She's the Admiral's daughter." 

She's giving me too much credit, I didn't blow up anything. "Which Admiral? There's two," I say in attempt to tease, but my fatigue flattens my voice. 

The soldier pulls out a pair of metal cuffs, and she walks to me. I freely put my arms in front of me, and she cuffs them, the rusty metal snapping around my wrists. She gives me a skeptical look. 

She turns her head to the male soldier. "Should I take her up first, or leave her with this crowd?" she asks. 

"Take her up first. Princess Azula is up there, she'll know what to do with her," the soldier orders.

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