Chapter 4: Shared Master

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Heyyyy guys! It's your favorite author (I'm probably not but let's go with it for now). NEW CHAPTER, and I have been planning this one for so long. Yes, it is the Sokka's Master episode, but it's so cute and AHHH you'll see. It's also split up in two chapters, BUT BOTH ARE SOMEWHAT GOOD. This whole chapter is ALSO told from Sokka's POV, BTW. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and happy reading! 


|Shared Master|


Numbers of sparkling meteors shoot across the sky as the stars form a subtle yet vibrant background. Just as you think that they've disappeared over the hills, several more fill the sky. Safiyah's head rests on my shoulder, while Katara, Aang, and Toph sit nearby. Tranquility covers us, almost like a blanket, and I can't imagine any moment better than this. 

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are," I mutter absentmindedly. 

"And to think we tried replicating this by making fireworks," Safiyah says and we all laugh. 

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times," Toph says dryly. 

Suddenly, a small star starts to glow and glow until it forms into a streak in the sky. But the light and size is much stronger than the others. This one looks like a blue fireball; it greatly resembles the ones Safiyah throws around when she fights. But this one is massive. It flies over us and hits the ground in the distance, causing a large explosion and the ground briefly quakes. We all jump up from our seats and watch the faraway billowing smoke. There's now a red glow reflecting against the nearby creek. 

"Should we check that out?" Safiyah asks. 

"Yeah, we need to see if there's a village nearby!" Katara cries. It's no surprise; she's always rushing to help random people. We just left a fishing village that was suffering from severe shortage on food because of their polluted lake. She dressed up as their savior spirit just so she can help them. Long story short, Katara likes helping people. 

We rush onto Appa and fly over to the site. At the base of the smoke, there's a savage fire with astray sparks. Sure enough, there's a town dangerously close by. Katara has no problem voicing all our thoughts. 

Appa lands us down, and everyone except Katara climbs down. "There's a creek nearby. I'll bend the water onto the fire," she says, and she moves to the reins to take off. 

Aang quickly tries to think of a plan of action. "Toph, let's make a trench to keep the fire from coming any closer." He and Toph quickly rush away, leaving Safiyah and I standing by the sidelines. 

"Well, what should we do?" I say weakly while gripping my machete. While I'm including Safiyah, I'm mostly frustrated that I can't help. Aang turns around briefly and tells us to watch Momo. Momo himself flies onto Safiyah's head, making her giggle and I smile, but then I turn around to the fire with annoyance. "What, so we're just lemur-sitters?" 

"Sokka, it's fine. Let's just stand down for once," Safiyah says. 

I turn to look at her. "Shouldn't you be helping as well? You're a fire bender." 

"I know, but they look like they got it. You don't have to help all of the time," Safiyah says. I know she doesn't have ill intent with her words, but that last sentence immediately makes me think no one needs me. 

"Whatever," I mutter. I continue watching Toph as she creates slabs of earth that put out the fire. Katara flies overhead effortlessly with a heap of water and extinguishes the water with ease. She passes the amount of water to Aang and he finally puts out the rest of the water, leaving behind a scorched area of land. 

The Desired Ending - Sokka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now