Chapter 6: Care

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Heyyyy guysssss! Yeah I kinda went MIA. . . . . . . again. I'm so sorry, it's just my grandma's sister's fish's dog drowned, and I barely survived a car crash that killed my cat, also I broke my arm and I burned my left foot. 


I'm SORRY, I just wanted to mess around with you guys hehe. I always see those Tik Toks about those Wattpad authors that go AWOL for like years and when they finally come back, they have some weird author's note and I wanted to do a fake one since I've been gone for almost 2 weeks with no updates. LAUGH IT'S F U N N Y. 

Anyways, I'm back with another chapter.  I'm sorry for being gone for about. . . . 2 weeks. I KNOW, I NEED SOMEONE TO SMACK SOME SENSE INTO ME. I've just been dealing with stuff. But on the bright side, I was able to come up with some good tidbits to put in upcoming chapters and I've been able to really plan them out. I won't keep you any longer so hope you enjoy and happy reading! 




I squint up at the sun, wiping some sweat off my brow. It's not particularly a heated day. I've just been training all morning and the exercise has me drenched. The river that contrasts against the ground that's patched with grass is begging me to soak my face in its water. I lodge my sword in the ground. 

"Sokka, while you recover from your losing against me, I'm going to go wash my face," I say teasingly. 

Sokka, who's spread on the ground with his sword on his stomach, gives me a tired thumbs up, unresponsive to my mocking him. I chuckle at his state and run over to the river. I put my hands together, forming a bowl and soak them gently into the cold water, watching it seep through. I throw the water on my face and massage it through my skin. I repeat this a few more times, making sure to leave no part of my face or neck untouched by the moisture. When I finish washing my face, I turn around to look at Sokka. He's now lying on his side, groaning dramatically. 

I roll my eyes, wipe my dripping face, and stand up. I reach Sokka and pat his shoulder. He doesn't turn to look at me and continues to groan. "I think you're overreacting," I say smugly. "You're acting like I punctured your heart and spread it across the ground." 

"Yeah, you might as well have," Sokka snaps. He sits up and looks at me, his face scrunched up in defeat. He's even childishly pouting, and he looks like he's about to cry, which concerns me. 

"Sokka, seriously, are you okay?" I ask while patting his shoulder. "What's bothering you?" 

His face rests, which eases my worry a little. I feel even better when he starts to talk. "I just feel anxious about the invasion. You know, whether I'm going to be able to fight well. I just feel like I'm not improving. Er, not that I'm not improving, just- I feel like I'm messing up too much." Sokka rubs his eyes. 

My heart sinks. I don't know what it is, but every time that I even lay eyes on Sokka being at his lowest or being so disapproving of himself, it's enough to tear a piece of me. Which is ironic because this isn't even about me. It's about Sokka. 

I grab Sokka's face and turn it in my direction. His eyes widen slightly but he doesn't say anything. I let my hand fall and I grab his hand. "I truly don't like it when you look down on yourself. And I won't blame you for feeling like this. I understand; you lack confidence because you're a beginner and that you're having a late start. But that's what you are: A beginner. Better yet, a beginner with determination, creativity, humility, versatility, and raw talent. I know you may not see yourself that way, but I do." 

The Desired Ending - Sokka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now