Chapter 2: Countering Emotions

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Hey guys! I apologize for this chapter that is late on schedule. I was very sick and I couldn't do anything without my eyes watering up every 5 seconds. This chapter is also long, but it's much better than the last one. You might like it or you might hate it. I DON'T KNOW. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and happy reading!


|Countering Emotions|


After surviving an attack by a Fire Nation ship and the surprise appearance of a serpent, we reached the harbor of an Earth Kingdom town at dusk, a colony by the looks of it.

Sokka, Toph, Katara, and I are all walking to Aang's room to ask if he wants to come with us to town.

"I hope he's feeling better," Katara says worriedly.

"I think he's. . . . . annoyed," Sokka says thoughtfully. "When that ship was attacking us, he was so irritated because he couldn't do anything. You know, so that he could keep his identity secret."

I mean, I'm in hiding because a whole nation is after me and I have to hide being a fire bender so that everyone who's traveling with us won't freak out. "I think I know how he feels."

"Food'll cheer him up," Toph says. She opens the door and we find Aang lying on his bed, arms behind his head and staring at the ceiling vent that has dripping water. The ship from earlier also punctured a hole in our hull, and Katara hastily plugged it up with some ice. Doesn't stop water from showing its face.

"Hey Aang," I say kindly. "We're going into town to find some dinner."

He sits up and we all hear his stomach grumble. Aang rubs his belly. "Well, I am pretty hungry." Sokka offers a red headband to him so that he can hide his arrow. Aang frowns, full of anger. "I'm not going out if I can't wear my arrow properly." He lies back down, turning his back to us, like a toddler does when it's mad at its parent. I think Aang even huffs.

"Aang, be practical," Sokka says, still shoving the headband at him.

Katara suggests that she stays with Aang, while the three of us go in town. I agree to the idea wholeheartedly; I'd do anything to get off this ship.

With light talk, Sokka, Toph, and I walk back up to the deck, and we're about to descend down the ramp connecting us to the harbor, but Sokka stops.

"I just need to go let my dad know about something," he says. "An idea I got about the invasion. Go on and I'll catch up." He speeds off, his feet clanging loudly against the metal.

"He's lying," Toph says almost immediately.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I say while pulling my hood over me even further. I look at her. "Do you think I should ask him about it?"

"I dunno. I think the question you should be asking is why is he lying? But whatever, he'll probably tell you soon." Toph starts walking down the ramp, probably unbothered with the fact that she gave no real advice.

I watch Sokka as he talks to his dad on the far side of the deck. I can't really tell what they're talking about; they're body language is almost neutral.  When Sokka starts walking over to me, I notice he's wearing a strange expression, but it's one I recognize. It's the face you have when you're questioning whether you did the right thing. 


Our time in the town finished quickly. We didn't stay very long, to my disappointment. My short-lived comfort ends as we climb up the ramp, moving onto the ship. Sokka walks next to me; he didn't say much to me when we were eating. It's almost like he was sulking over something.

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