Chapter 1: Undeserving

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Hey guysss! Nice to see you again if you are a returning reader! This is the first chapter, and we're already starting off with a WRECK of emotions. I don't have much to say, so I hope you enjoy and happy reading!




I hide in my cabin, obsessing over a new poem. 

I haven't written a poem in months, and I think that's a good thing. I've even looked over my other ones a couple of times when things were getting better in Ba Sing Se and I just laughed at how depressing they were. 

Yet here I am, losing my head over a new one. 

Some people say that loving a person is
Such a favorite drug that shrinks the pain
Something in your mind that causes a whiz
The risk for it is in the reign

Secret visits to go get it; have it
Lying to your parents with no delay
The running and hiding must make you fit
The things you do astonish me all day

But this is only true in untrue books
A human with greed in their blood and mind
Who is the most of many world crooks

Can't be changed by a feeling of some kind

For as long as a human's trust's askew
Love is a feeling to good to be true


I close my eyes in a clenched frustrated manner when I hear Sokka whispering my name through the metal door. "I told you not to call me that," I whisper back. I close my journal and rest it on the wooden table next to me along with my stylus. 

Sokka sighs. "You know it's weird that your cover name is the name of a dead woman, right?" 

"So much for understanding my way of coping. I thought good boyfriends were supposed to do that." 

I get up from my bed and grab my Fire Nation helmet, leaving my ponytail to fall past the helmet. I actually took Emen's compliment into consideration and cut my hair into layers. My hair is still long - I'm never going back to short hair - but the front strands are shorter. And I have to say, the look suits me. 

I open up the door, watching Sokka's furrowed eyebrows through the small eye holes. He sighs again. "He's not around." 

"Don't care," I say while leaning against the door frame. "He could come at any second." 

"He probably doesn't even recognize you," Sokka assures me. "He doesn't even know your real name! Plus, you've changed so much. You're taller, you have a nicer face and your hair is really, really long, and you have that scar on your face. I practically watched you grow up!" 

A silence settles between us. 

"You're acting like we were best friends when you were watching me grow up in those three years," I say. "And are you saying I had a terrible face before I matured?"

"Eh, well, we were roommates. I'm not saying you were ugly, but let's be honest, whenever someone becomes a better person, they get more attractive. I mean, I don't even think you'd be dating me if I looked like the sexist jerk I was."

I laugh. "No, you're right. Let's not visit that era ever again." Sokka is looking better lately. He's grown out his hair, and his features have gotten sharper. And there's never a time where he doesn't have a smile on his face during these past few weeks. 

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