Chapter 13: A Wishful Goodbye

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Hey guys, how are you all doingggg? This chapter, honestly, is just something. It's also long. I started it right after Thanksgiving Break and I'm updating it now during Winter Break. Honestly, a lot of my upcoming chapters are gonna be fun to write. A small reward for burying an entire plot for this entire series in my chest ever since I started it back in january! Fun!! Speaking off, the first book of this series is almost one year old!! WHAT?? Anyways,  I hope you enjoy, and happy reading!


|A Wishful Goodbye|


I chase after Azula, my eyes narrowed down on her back profile. She's my only focus now. I'm certain Sokka, Aang, and Toph are gaining on me, ready to assist, but I don't mind if I have to deal with her alone. I don't mind at all. 

With my heels violently pounding the ground, my nose bleeding profusely, I grow close to the entrance of the bunker, ready to attack Azula. Unfortunately, she runs out the doors before me, and I see two Dai Li agents crawling on the walls by the doors' frame. I pick up my pace - desperately wishing I had my fire bending so that I could use jet propulsion - before they pull any stunts.

Confirming my intuition, the Dai Li agents follow me out of the doors and block them with a stone wall. I don't spare any time to really notice them, until I'm forcibly stopped in my tracks. I look down to see mounds of dirt, solidified around my ankles. I look behind me and locate the Dai Li agent performing the deed. With an uncharitable frown, he waves his right hand through the air, as if he's striking an invisible face, landing me on the rocky wall nearby. Rough cuffs clasp my wrists and hold me to the wall, stopping me from slipping down. The blood drips down to my upper lip. By now, Azula is far enough for her own safety. 

The sound of rock being blasted into pieces floods my ears, and I breathe out in relief when I see Aang, Toph, and Sokka running out. I see Toph lift both her fists and I'm freed instantly. I spit out a quick thanks to her, but I continue my flight while wiping my nose. I gain sight of Azula again, but she's much farther away. The dusty tunnels are extremely dim, the only light being the ghostly glow of lava, and I have to squint to distinguish Azula from the darkness. 

I can still hear Toph's brash earth bending and to my satisfaction, the groans of the Dai Li agents, knowing they're being beat. Aang even catches up to me, running while firmly clutching his staff, as if it'll grow legs and run at any given second. 

"Wait! Aang! Toph! Safiyah! Stop attacking!" Sokka's urgent voice halts us all, even Azula, which persuades me to look back at him. He's barely caught up to us, and he glares at Azula. He gestures to her. "Don't you see what she's doing? She's just playing with us. She's not even trying to win this fight!" 

"Not true. I'm giving it my all," Azula says calmly. Playfully. 

"You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time!" Toph exclaims angrily, pointing at her. 

"Um, right, I think your friend just said that, genius," Azula says with thick scorn. "And since you can't see, I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes." 

That comment itself makes me gasp lightly. I look at Azula, watching her mouth that's curved in her unchanging smirk, eyes downcast in serenity. I think over Sokka's words, trying hard to consider his words only, and not think about what I want, because what I want doesn't kill two birds with one stone. 

"Let's just leave," I say. I grab both of Toph's forearms, since she raised them up when Azula insulted her, and try calming her down. She reluctantly puts her arms down. "She's not worth our time." 

The Desired Ending - Sokka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now