Our parting

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Hello loves, I am terribly sorry for this long awaited response to my silence but, I was in a really bad chapter in my life and I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety. It's been really hard for me this past year and I'm sure for some of you as well.

I didn't have the motivation to write and especially write something so disorganized and honestly not good at all. I am surprised at all that anyone continued to read this because this plot was planned out horribly and I kind of just jumped into it. If any of you fellow readers have gotten attached to the reading, which I doubt, I am so sorry I couldn't commit to this story or continue to write it. I was inexperienced and a sloppy writer when I started. I certainly was not ready to write a full book without a draft or plot planned out. SMH.

But... I do have good news!

Drum roll PLEASE..!!

Yes, you probably guessed it, I'm starting a new book. My therapist recommends I start writing again and thinks it would be a good distraction. Honestly I agree, I've been spending too much time in my head and it's time to let all those feelings loose. I need to stretch its been too long. I miss you guys.

Don't expect a new book popping up cause that certainly will not happen, I haven't even started. Yes, Ik. Why is she telling us this if she doesn't even have the plot ready? Well I could ask myself the same thing but you guys deserve an explanation. So a new book is in the making it will certainly take time. I'm a perfectionist and it doesn't do me any well so. This might take months. Which is a drag I know believe me. But a new book will be out in no time, in the meantime have a wonderful holiday beautiful people!!

Mine;Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now