Chapter 4

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"Okay, um you go get the ingrediants and I'll make the potion." I said staring as he got up nervously and walked away.

Merlins beard, Draco being nervous is making me nervous. I've seriously never seen him this shaken up, it's like he's still a scared little boy again. As Draco was walking back I was pulled out of my trance. I began to brew the potion but I couldn't help but notice Draco wiping his palms on his pants and looking up at me every few minutes.

We looked at the potion and back at each other as I dropped the last ingrediant in.. thankfully no explosion I was kind of known for those around here especially in potions.. maybe that was why he was so nervous. Draco moved closer to the potion and took a whiff but not too close which made me laugh, he smiled and backed away.

"What! what did you smell?" I asked him pushing his shoulder around but he didn't budge nor did he let out an answer.

"You have to tell me because I'm your partner and those were Snape's instructions." I said looking at him and batting my eye lashes with a big cheeky smile.

"..y-you." he whispered promptly for him self but I heard his stutter.

"What was that Draco?" I said teasingly, I just wanted him to admit it.

"Astronomy tower midnight." he whispered only so he and I could hear and left out the door, he just left.

Even though he left I still wanted to know what I would smell.. I moved my head even a little bit close to the potion and it all hit me in a flash.. mint , citrus, and Dior savage colomn. Him. A blush rushed up my neck and took a nice comfy seat right on my cheeks, I didn't try and hide it though it felt warm and comforting.

"You all are dismissed, uh- home work.. just write an essay about what you smelled." he rushed shewing us out the door.

As I'm basically getting shoved out the door by Snape, I wonder what could Draco be doing why did he leave, does he have somewhere to be or was it just to be mysterious, probably both. As much as I tried to shove off the fact that he smelled me or that I smelled him it always came rushing back. It came rushing back forcing thoughts into my head that one day actually one day I Aurora Mazelton may end up with the Draco Malfoy. It sent chills up my spine and it probably always will because it just didn't make sence. We've been at each others throats since first year, every prank, every fight, every disagreement just didn't lead up to this.

"Uhh I'm so hungry I need to eat something or I might just rip out anyone's throat that talks to me." I thought to my self as I walk into the great hall to be met with the kind eyes of Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger behind her.

"psttt girlie I have loads to tell you" I whisper over to hermione form across the table. I didn't really want anyone else other than my best friend knowing that I smelled Draco Malfoy in the amortenia and it was hard let alone to tell her because she never exactly liked him either.

"ouuu what could it be spill!" hermione whispered back.

"Not here it's important." I whispered back before Luna could suspish something she always had that sence which made it hard to hide anything because she always knew what was up.

"May I read you ora I have a feeling that your stressed and I wanna make sure everything is alright."Luna said in her soft angelic voice.


"Sure I don't mind at all" I said trying to cover up all my stress which obviously wasn't working!

Luna placed her small soft hands on my fore arm and closed her eyes.

"Oh! I see you have a cru-" I cut luna off by shoving my hand onto her face.

"No no no shh I don't want anyone to know" I whisper and grabb Hermione's hand and drag her to our dorm.

I slam the door shut and back up against it.

"What was that all about!" Hermione shouted pulling her self out of my grasp.

"Okay so D-draco smelled me in the amortenia and I smelled him and.. and i-i'm kind of freaking out because he asked me to meet him at the astronomy tower tonight and I just don't know what to do." I spit out looking at Hermione for some comfort but all I see is a shocked Hermione looking at me like I've gone insane.

"W-what." she manages to spit out.

"I know you heard me Hermione Granger so tell me what to do?"I shout looking at her hoplessly.

"Well go." she says now looking as calm as ever.

"Huh" I look at her like she has gone insane now.

"You have to go, what time did he ask you to meet him?" she questions me.

"Okay, midnight he said midnight." I say laying back on my bed flat with a smile creeping up.


I have to tell her I have to tell her how I feel tonight. I rush back to my dorm to tell Blaise everything that just happened.

"Blaise!" I shout rushing into my dorm and slamming the door shut.

"Bloody hell, what do you want mate!"Blaise jumps up out of fear.

"Y-you won't bloody beleive it mate I-I smelled Aroura in the-"

"Amortemia. yeah I saw it coming mate now shut it so I can get my sleep." Blaise finishes my sentence and turns around with a slight smile on his face and falls back asleep.




Fuck. I'm late, I drag my self out of bed and decide just to wear my sweat pants and my hoodie. The cold air hits my body as I reach the astronomy stairs butterflys fill my stomach as I hear shuffeling from up top.

"D-Draco is that you?" I stutter with my wand held out as I reach the top of the stairs.

"Yes, I have to tell you something." he mumbles while looking out the window.

"What is it Draco" I say coming closer only to trip over a stone and fall right into Draco's arms, chills racked up my spine as his eyes met mine his face inching closer every second.

"S-sorry." I stutter breaking the on going of what looked to be a kiss.

"Are you okay?" he questions letting go of my waist not breaking th eye contact.

"y-yeah." I whisper.

"Well I-I wanted to tell you that I like you." he stutters out breaking the eye contact to look at the ground.

"Is this true or is it one of your jokes?" I question him confused.

"You know what just forget I ever said anything it was dumb any way." he mumbles looking away towards the window with the rain sliding down.

I inch closer breaking the feet between us and place my hand on his fore arm.

"I like you too Malfoy." I whisper looking up at the no more emotion less boy he was now filled with joy and you could tell because the grey in his eyes were now sparkleing.

He takes me in his grasp and holds me close, the warm embarace in his arms is a feeling I thought I would never feel.

"Will you go to the ball with me Aurora?"he whispers in my ear his warm breath fanning my face.

"Yes." I whisper back looking out the window.

"Good." he mumbles only loud enough for me and him to hear.

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