Chapter 2

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"You will behave"

My eyes locked with his and for a moment time felt slow but it stopped as I watched pansy pull draco out of the great hall. Hermione pulled me out of my trance by asking if I was gonna eat something. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize the feast has begun. After dinner Hermione and I rushed to our dorm to get ready for the Gryffindor party.

"Okay This one or this one?" I asked holding up a skin tight emerald green dress and a skin tight purple dress.

"The green one all the way, should I wear a dress?" she looked at me with a questioning frown.

"Of course we need to be matching!" I laughed slipping on the dress.

Hermione decided to wear a dress similar to mine except it was red it looked really nice and I bet Ron is going to love it. We walked into the party and it was like all eyes were on us but there was a particular pair of eyes his grey eyes infact they locked with mine from across the room. Pansy was hanging onto him like a child, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Pathetic she was, just pathetic. I walked over to Ron and grabbed the fire ball bottle out of his hand and chugged it.

"Bloody Hell slow down." Ron snapped snatching the bottle away for himself.

"Your so boring!" I shout over the blasting music, dragging ron onto the dance floor with me. Soon Harry joined and then Hermione.

"Hey, I'm gonna go sit down." I whisper in hermione's ear so she knows where I went.

I walked over to the tabel almost dragging my self, I grabbed another bottle and started chugging like I already didn't already have enough. I flopped down on the couch and once again my wrist was grabbed harshly and I was dragged upstairs to an empty dark room. I looked up to see a platinum blonde boy staring at me with a smirk curling up his face.

"Hey w- what are you doing?" I slurred about to topple over but Draco gripped onto my waist and pulled me up.. he was now towering over me. I seriously felt as if i was melting in his hands right then and there. Draco intensly staring into my eyes and without hesitation he grabbed a hold of my neck.

"Draco..." I mumbled unable to speak any further from him tightining his grip.

I bit my lower lip trying to hide the whimper about to escape my lips. Draco's body pressed onto mine, Draco trails his tounge to my ear and whispers "You will behave. If you ever disrespect me again you'll never see the end of it." He looks at me with disgust before pushing himself off of me and out the door he goes.

Mine;Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now